
Understanding Confession - Good Catholic Digital Content Series


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  • Learn how to experience confession as a place of peace and healing
  • Receive 6 sessions of digital content & unlimited access to it for 365 days
  • A resource to overcome fears of this beautiful sacrament
  • Online catechetical series
  • Exclusive to The Catholic Company

Good Catholic is a service brought to you by The Catholic Company. Our purpose is to provide you with dynamically-delivered digital content that will help you embrace your Catholic faith, grow spiritually, and ultimately, spend eternity with Christ. That is, after all, the goal of this life!

Most Catholics learn about confession when they’re little children, but they don’t learn much after that. This leaves questions about the sacrament that have never been answered. And maybe that’s why confession is still so uncomfortable, even after decades of going. 

We’re here to help.

We’ve put together a straight-to-the-point mini-series covering your most common questions and confusions regarding confession. 

In 6 simple sessions, this series will give you confidence, peace of mind, and new zeal for a sacrament wherein—Jesus told Faustina—“the greatest miracles take place.” 

You will discover:

  • Tips on how to overcome fear and shame (Session 5)
  • The three things you need for a good (and valid!) confession (Session 3)
  • Clarity on what actually constitutes mortal sin (Session 4)
  • Who the seal of confession really benefits (Session 6)  
  • …and much more!

Join us, and Fr. Ken Geraci, as we unlock this incredible sacrament so you can have peace and forgiveness in your life.

Terms and Conditions Summary: This is a digital content subscription. You will receive one year's access to Good Catholic: Understanding Confession at To protect the integrity of your purchase, each subscription and login code is meant for individual use only. The content may not be copied, shared, or distributed. All products are sold “as is” and cannot be refunded. Coupon codes cannot be used towards purchase. **Gift cards, coupons, discount offers, and refunds do not apply to digital products** Other restrictions may apply.

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Understanding Confession - Good Catholic Digital Content Series


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