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Triumph of the Innocents Antique Gold Framed Print - 8" x 10"

This 8" x 10" framed print of "The Triumph of the Innocents" by William Holman Hunt captures the vivid imagery of the fleeing Holy Family, surrounded by the spirits of the martyred Innocents. Exquisitely detailed and framed in antique gold, it's a moving addition to any home, embodying the timeless nature of faith and divine sacrifice. Exclusively from The Catholic Company.

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  • Lovely custom print in deluxe quality frame
  • Triumph of the Innocents by William Holman Hunt
  • Striking and vivid color, fine detail 
  • Exquisitely framed in antique gold with classic style
  • Designed and produced exclusively at The Catholic Company
The Triumph of the Innocents, exquisitely framed in antique gold, with delicate beading on the interior bevel, for a timelessness that compliments any style or décor. 

Originally painted in the late 1800's by William Holman Hunt, it reveals the fleeing Holy Family enveloped by “the embodied spirits of the martyred Innocents.” The infant directly below the Christ Child displays his torn garment, a prefiguration of the wound in Christ’s side at the Crucifixion. “Airy globes” display Jewish dreams of the union of heaven and earth at the advent of the Messiah, according to Hunt's original pamphlet on his work. 

A moving addition to your prayer space or anywhere in your home, as a reminder of the timeless nature of our faith, those who sacrificed themselves for it, and the great love of God who sent His Son to suffer for us. This image is also a reminder that His plans are perfect, timeless and beyond our understanding. 

© Copyright 2024 Trinity Road LLC/The Catholic Company   

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Framed Print
CC Exclusive:
Trinity - Mfg'd Product
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Home Decor
triumph innocent, antique gold, william holman, holman hunt, exquisitely framed, framed antique, holy family, william holman hunt, exquisitely framed antique, framed antique gold, exquisitely framed antique gold, innocent antique, gold framed, framed
This 8" x 10" framed print of "The Triumph of the Innocents" by William Holman Hunt captures the vivid imagery of the fleeing Holy Family, surrounded by the spirits of the martyred Innocents. Exquisitely detailed and framed in antique gold, it's a mo
ving addition to any home, embodying the timeless nature of faith and divine sacrifice. Exclusively from The Catholic Company.

Triumph of the Innocents Antique Gold Framed Print - 8" x 10"


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