
The Woman in the Trees

"The Woman in the Trees" is an engaging historical novel by Theoni Bell, set during the Civil War on the American frontier. It tells the transformative story of Slainie, an inquisitive pioneer girl, amid personal and national turmoil. Suitable for children and adults, it weaves love, loss, and the tale of the first approved American Marian apparition. Softcover, 224 pages.
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  • The story of Our Lady of Good Help, the first approved American apparition
  • Written as an historical novel
  • Set on the American frontier during the Civil War
  • Wonderful read for children and adults

Set within the expanses of the American frontier, this story follows Slainie, an inquisitive pioneer girl, whose life is forever transformed when a mysterious seer shows up at her door.

Amidst the backdrop of the Civil War, family tragedy, and the nation's most destructive wildfire, Slainie must navigate her rugged pioneer life as she encounters love and loss, and comes face to face with the story of America's first approved Marian apparition.

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TAN Books and Publishers
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Books & Accessories
first approved, american frontier, civil war, woman tree, tree story, story lady, lady good, good help, help first, approved american, american apparition, apparition written, written historical, historical novel, novel set
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"The Woman in the Trees" is an engaging historical novel by Theoni Bell, set during the Civil War on the American frontier. It tells the transformative story of Slainie, an inquisitive pioneer girl, amid personal and national turmoil. Suitable for ch
ildren and adults, it weaves love, loss, and the tale of the first approved American Marian apparition. Softcover, 224 pages.

The Woman in the Trees


2 Reviews