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St. Joseph Sunday Missal

The St. Joseph Sunday Missal is a complete, comprehensive resource for Catholic Mass, covering a 3-year cycle with readings and prayers in boldface. It features a sewn binding, ribbon bookmarks, and stunning illustrations. The missal is available in burgundy flexcover, black hardcover, and large print options. Personalization is available, making this a cherished, long-lasting guide to fully participate in Mass.

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  • St. Joseph Sunday Missal - The complete 3 year cycle
  • Perfect sized, sewn binding missal for Mass or home use
  • Well-organized and easy to use for every Sunday and Holy Day
  • Personalization available on front cover
  • A Catholic Company Customer Favorite

This complete and permanent Saint Joseph Sunday Missal is a comprehensive, all-inclusive Missal that provides everything necessary to participate fully in each Sunday, Vigil, and Holyday Mass, specifically the Lectionary readings and celebrant's and people's prayers (in boldface type). With a flexible red cover, this affordable resource offers the complete 3-year Cycle (A, B, and C) for all Sunday readings, conveniently repeating prayers for each Cycle to eliminate unnecessary page-turning. This Saint Joseph Sunday Missal, featuring a sturdily sewn binding, ribbon bookmarks, and magnificent four-color illustrations, is designed to be treasured for a lifetime.

Available with a burgundy flexcover(Item# 1111407), a black hardcover (Item #1111408) and a Large Print Burgundy Flexcover (Item #1111409)

The Regular size font covered books measure approximately 4.5W x 6.5"H x 1.5"D with a 9 ½ point font size.

The large print is 5.25"W x 7.5"H with 14 point font size. Vinyl- (Item # 111409)

The large font book does not exactly match up for the table of contents for calendar years B and C.  The publisher is aware of this but corrections are not planned at this time.  The table of contents will get you to the appropiate mass readings however be one page ahead of where it should begin.

*Note: Most missals list the year-letters from 2011 until 2030. However, the missal can still be used after that. To find the current readings for the year, you simply need to know whether we are in reading cycle A, B, or C, which changes for the year at the beginning of each Advent. To find out what year we are currently in, simply go to the USCCB website to check what year we are in or purchase the current year's "Missal Guide" booklet. 


Misal de domingo St. Joseph (en inglés). Contiene el ciclo litúrgico de 3 años (A, B, y C) con todas las lecturas de domingo, vigilias, y días de precepto. Personalización disponible en la portada del libro.

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Catholic Book Publishing Corp.
joseph sunday, sunday missal, joseph sunday missal, sewn binding, saint joseph, burgundy flexcover, large print, point font, font large, table content, de domingo, saint joseph sunday, point font large, saint joseph sunday missal, missal joseph
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The St. Joseph Sunday Missal is a complete, comprehensive resource for Catholic Mass, covering a 3-year cycle with readings and prayers in boldface. It features a sewn binding, ribbon bookmarks, and stunning illustrations. The missal is available in
burgundy flexcover, black hardcover, and large print options. Personalization is available, making this a cherished, long-lasting guide to fully participate in Mass.

St. Joseph Sunday Missal


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