
St. Joseph Sunday Missal - Complete Edition in Accordance with the Roman Missal

The St. Joseph Sunday Missal - Complete Edition provides everything needed for full participation in Sunday, Sunday vigil, and Holy Day Masses. It features a complete 3-year cycle of readings and prayers, with responses in bold, housed in an attractive, flexible brown vinyl cover. Beautifully gift-boxed, it includes four-color illustrations and a sewn binding, offering a treasured gift that will last a lifetime.

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  • St. Joseph Sunday Missal: Complete Edition in Accordance with the Roman Missal
  • Includes Sunday, Sunday vigil, and Holy Day Masses
  • Complete 3-year cycle
  • Complete Edition
  • People's prayer responses in bold face

This complete and permanent Saint Joseph Sunday Missal from Catholic Book Publishing is a comprehensive, all-inclusive Missal that provides everything necessary to fully participate in each Sunday, Sunday vigil, and Holy Day Mass.

The Saint Joseph Sunday Missal contains the Lectionary readings and the celebrant's and people's prayers (in bold face) for Sundays and Holy Days. With a flexible brown vinyl cover and finely colored page edges, this attractive Missal offers the complete 3-year cycle for all Sunday readings, conveniently repeating prayers for each cycle to eliminate unnecessary page-turning.

Beautifully gift-boxed, this Saint Joseph Sunday Missal is a gift that will be treasured for a lifetime and also features a sturdily sewn binding and magnificent four-color illustrations.

In accord with the third typical edition of the Roman Missal.

*Note: Most missals list the year-letters from 2011 until 2030. However, the missal can still be used after that. To find the current readings for the year, you simply need to know whether we are in reading cycle A, B, or C, which changes for the year at the beginning of each Advent. To find out what year we are currently in, simply go to the USCCB website to check what year we are in or purchase the current year's "Missal Guide" booklet. 


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