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Spe Salvi Pamphlet (Spanish 50 Pack)

The Spe Salvi Pamphlet (Spanish 50 Pack) offers an accessible summary of Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical, "Spe Salvi: In Hope We are Saved." Designed for distribution within parishes, this Spanish edition uses direct quotes and easy explanations to encourage action and faith. It helps fight false hope and emphasizes true faith through prayer, actions, and more. Perfect for parish communities.
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  • Spe Salvi Pamphlet 
  • Comes in a pack of 50
  • Spanish edition
  • Perfect for parish distribution

So much has changed since the time of the early Christians who lived in a world of false gods and mythologies, but so much is still the same. Pope Benedict reminds us of this timeless connection to the early church in his encyclical, "Spe Salvi: In Hope We are Saved." (Rom. 8:24)

This Spanish editiion of Saved in Hope (Spe Salvi) outlines the inspiring encyclical in its simplest form -- using direct quotes, accessible explanations, and easy to understand calls to action. This is the perfect opportunity to help fight against the temptation of false hope and look to the one true source through prayer, actions, suffering, justice, and Mary herself. In Spanish.


Encíclica sobre la Esperanza - Panfleto en paquete de 50

Mucho ha cambiado desde la época de los primeros cristianos que vivían en un mundo de falsos dioses y mitologías, pero mucho sigue siendo la misma. El Papa Benedicto XVI nos recuerda a este respecto, atemporal a la iglesia primitiva en su encíclica, "SpeSalvi: En esperanza somos salvados. (Romanos 8:24) Papa Benedicto XVI: Encíclica sobre la Esperanza se describe el inspirador encíclica en su forma más simple - con ayuda de citas directas, las explicaciones accesibles y fáciles de comprender las llamadas a la acción. Esta es la oportunidad perfecta para ayudar a luchar contra la tentación de las falsas esperanzas y mirar a la fuente de la verdadera través de la oración, las acciones, el sufrimiento, la justicia y María.

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Amy Welborn
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spe salvi, enc clica, de la, salvi pamphlet, clica sobre, sobre la, la esperanza, papa benedicto, benedicto xvi, en su, spe salvi pamphlet, enc clica sobre, clica sobre la, sobre la esperanza, papa benedicto xvi
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The Spe Salvi Pamphlet (Spanish 50 Pack) offers an accessible summary of Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical, "Spe Salvi: In Hope We are Saved." Designed for distribution within parishes, this Spanish edition uses direct quotes and easy explanations to en
courage action and faith. It helps fight false hope and emphasizes true faith through prayer, actions, and more. Perfect for parish communities.
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Bible or Book

Spe Salvi Pamphlet (Spanish 50 Pack)


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