
Real Mercy: Mary, Forgiveness, and Trust

"Real Mercy: Mary, Forgiveness, and Trust" by Fr. Jacques Philippe offers deep insights into God's transcendent mercy through a collection of homilies. Addressing questions about receiving and showing mercy, the book explores themes such as the role of Mary, familial forgiveness, and essential trust in God. With 110 pages of profound teachings, it guides readers to embrace and understand divine mercy in daily life.

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  • Real Mercy: Mary, Forgiveness, and Trust
  • By the author of Interior Freedom
  • Beautiful, simple, profound
  • A way to draw close to true mercy

How does God bestow his mercy? What do I have to do to receive his mercy? How can I show mercy to others? And what is Mary’s role in the workings of God’s mercy in the world? These are just a few topics that are covered by Fr. Jacques Philippe in this new collection of homilies which delve into the breadth and depth of God’s transcendent mercy. With his extraordinary insight into the workings of the human relationship with the Living God, Fr. Philippe helps us to discover how God’s loving mercy is present and active in our lives. Exploring the themes of Our Blessed Mother, familial forgiveness, and essential trust in God, we are given a comprehensive understanding of our need to accept and bestow mercy.

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Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
Scepter Publishers
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Books & Accessories
real mercy, mercy mary, mary forgiveness, forgiveness trust, jacques philippe, real mercy mary, mercy mary forgiveness, mary forgiveness trust, real mercy mary forgiveness, mercy mary forgiveness trust, trust real, trust author, author interior, inte
Jesus: Divine Mercy
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"Real Mercy: Mary, Forgiveness, and Trust" by Fr. Jacques Philippe offers deep insights into God's transcendent mercy through a collection of homilies. Addressing questions about receiving and showing mercy, the book explores themes such as the role
of Mary, familial forgiveness, and essential trust in God. With 110 pages of profound teachings, it guides readers to embrace and understand divine mercy in daily life.

Real Mercy: Mary, Forgiveness, and Trust


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