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Personalized Irish Claddagh Make Up Bell

The Personalized Irish Claddagh Make Up Bell from The Catholic Company is an engraved, nickel-plated bell symbolizing Celtic tradition and harmony. Perfect as a wedding or anniversary gift, it acts as a peacekeeper during disputes, promoting a no-blame truce. This charming, non-tarnish bell serves as a meaningful keepsake for couples. Personalization included.
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  • Exclusive design of The Catholic Company
  • Engraved Irish claddagh symbol
  • Personalization is included
  • Unique, meaningful gift for couples

The Irish Make Up Bell is a longstanding Celtic tradition that makes for an endearing wedding or anniversary gift, or add to your Christmas tree! During any argument, husband or wife can choose to ring the bell to call for an immediate cease-fire. The rule holds that it cannot always be the same person ending the argument. Ringing the bell signifies a no-blame truce. More than just a good-humored tradition, this gift is a valuable and diffusive reminder to strive for peace. Certainly, one doesn't have to be Irish to appreciate the saving grace of this charming custom ... you simply have to be human!


© Copyright 2015 Trinity Road LLC/The Catholic Company.

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Product Category:
Home Decor
St. Patrick's Day
Catholic Marriage
Irish Catholic
irish claddagh, make bell, personalized irish, claddagh make, bell exclusive, exclusive design, design engraved, engraved irish, claddagh symbol, symbol personalization, personalization included, included unique, unique meaningful, meaningful gift, g
The Personalized Irish Claddagh Make Up Bell from The Catholic Company is an engraved, nickel-plated bell symbolizing Celtic tradition and harmony. Perfect as a wedding or anniversary gift, it acts as a peacekeeper during disputes, promoting a no-bla
me truce. This charming, non-tarnish bell serves as a meaningful keepsake for couples. Personalization included.

Personalized Irish Claddagh Make Up Bell


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