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Our Lady of Grace Triptych - 10"

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Enhance your sacred space with the Our Lady of Grace Triptych. This 10" piece features Mary with two adoring angels, crafted in gold-tone wood. A distinctive devotional art piece, perfect as a prayer table accent or heartfelt gift, inviting you to embrace Mary's love and her role as Mediatrix of Graces. Ideal for displaying gratitude and spiritual devotion.
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  • Our Lady of Grace Triptych
  • Distinctive piece of holy art
  • Mary flanked by two adoring Angels on either side
  • Moving devotional piece, faithful accent or gift
Receive the graces your Mother has in store for you or experience gratitude for her intercession as you enjoy this gold, wooden devotional triptych. The word "triptych" comes from the Greek words tri, which means "three" and ptyche, which means "fold". A triptych is simply a piece of artwork that has been divided into three sections or panels.

The panels are connected with a hinge so the pieces can be folded in or out. Historically, triptychs have been used to decorate altars. This beautiful piece features Our Lady of Grace in the center, and two Angels of the Lord who flank her on either side.  A moving devotional piece and a faithful accent for your prayer table, nightstand, dresser, or any place in your sacred space to remind you of Mary's motherly love and her role as Mediatrix of Graces. 
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Roman Inc
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Home Decor
Mary: Miraculous Medal
lady grace, grace triptych, moving devotional, devotional piece, piece faithful, faithful accent, lady grace triptych, moving devotional piece, devotional piece faithful, piece faithful accent, moving devotional piece faithful, devotional piece faith
Enhance your sacred space with the Our Lady of Grace Triptych. This 10" piece features Mary with two adoring angels, crafted in gold-tone wood. A distinctive devotional art piece, perfect as a prayer table accent or heartfelt gift, inviting you to em
brace Mary's love and her role as Mediatrix of Graces. Ideal for displaying gratitude and spiritual devotion.

Our Lady of Grace Triptych - 10"


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