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Ognissanti Standing Crucifix

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The Ognissanti Standing Crucifix is a stunning replica of the famous crucifix painted by Giotto in the Chiesa di Ognissanti, Florence. Known for its rich detail and vibrant colors, this piece captures the pioneering realism of Giotto's work. Featuring icons of the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist, and Christ the Pantocrator, this 10.5" tall crucifix offers affordable Catholic art for your home.
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  • Affordable art for your home
  • Brilliant colors & rich detail
  • Original cross painted by the famous Giotto
  • Hangs in Florence, Italy

This gorgeous Ognissanti Standing Crucifix is an artistic rendering of the crucifix that hangs in the nave of the Chiesa di Ognissanti (All Saints Church), a Franciscan church in Florence Italy.  The original crucifix stands15 feet tall and was painted by 14th century master Renaissance artist, Giotto. The crucifix painting was recently restored to its original glory and moved from the sacristy to the nave in 2010. The Ognissanti Crucifix is known for it's realistic detail which was novel at the time of its painting. "What he did had never been done before," says Marco Ciatti, the head restorer. "He [Giotto] was the first here to create a naturalistic human style of Christ on the cross, showing the pain, the man. Until Giotto, Christ was portrayed in a more stylised way. Giotto heralded a revolution in art."  Now you can display a rendition of this important piece of Catholic art history in your home.  On each end of the crucifix is an icon: The Virgin Mary on the left, John the Evangelist on the right, and Christ the Pantocrator at the top. A beautiful and unique crucifix from the popular Joseph Studio collection. 

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Saints & Blesseds
Religious & Ceremonial > Religious Items
Roman Inc
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Home Decor
ognissanti standing, standing crucifix, virgin mary, joseph studio, ognissanti standing crucifix, crucifix affordable, affordable art, art home, home brilliant, brilliant color, color rich, rich detail, detail original, original cross, cross painted
St. John the Apostle
The Ognissanti Standing Crucifix is a stunning replica of the famous crucifix painted by Giotto in the Chiesa di Ognissanti, Florence. Known for its rich detail and vibrant colors, this piece captures the pioneering realism of Giotto's work. Featurin
g icons of the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist, and Christ the Pantocrator, this 10.5" tall crucifix offers affordable Catholic art for your home.

Ognissanti Standing Crucifix


7 Reviews