The Navarre Bible New Testament is an assemblage of the full biblical text used in the Revised Standard Version (RSV) as well as the New Vulgate. The professors of theology at the University of Navarre have included thorough commentaries and notes to help the reader better understand the doctrinal and practical meanings of the New Testament text. Sources such as official Catholic Church documents and prominent scriptural interpretations from Fathers and Doctors of the Catholic Church, are woven together to create a more historical account of events. The Navarre Bible New Testament is considered one of the best study bibles for Catholics due to its clear and informative content.
The University of Navarre or Navarra is a private pontifical university founded in 1952 by Saint Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, founder of Opus Dei. The University of Navarre is considered one of Spain's top universities by today's standards. The region of Navarre is currently split between the nations of Spain and France along the western Pyrenees. The Navarre area of Spain is the location of the University of Navarre, where the Navarre Bible extracts its name.
For greater detail and individual pricing on the books of the Navarre Bible New Testament follow the links below:
The Navarre Bible - St. Matthew
The Navarre Bible - St. Mark
The Navarre Bible - St. Luke
The Navarre Bible - St. John
The Navarre Bible - Acts of the Apostles
The Navarre Bible - Romans and Galatians
The Navarre Bible - Corinthians
The Navarre Bible - Captivity Letters
The Navarre Bible - Thessalonians
The Navarre Bible - Hebrews
The Navarre Bible - Catholic Letters
The Navarre Bible - Revelation
See also:
The Navarre Bible Old Testament - 7 Vol. Set
See our entire selection of Navarre Bibles.