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The Navarre Bible - Catholic Letters

The Navarre Bible - Catholic Letters is a comprehensive volume covering seven letters: James; 1 & 2 Peter; 2 & 3 John; and Jude. Part of a 12-volume New Testament set, it offers deep scriptural insights with commentary from Church documents and spiritual writers like Saint Josemaria Escriva. Featuring the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, this softcover book includes extensive notes and introductions.
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This volume,Catholic Letters, covers a group of seven letters described as the "Catholic Letters". These are James; 1 and 2 Peter; 2 and 3 John; and Jude.

Part of a 12 volume set of the New Testament with extensive explanations of the meaning of the scriptural text and its implications for everyday life. The commentaries draw on a rich variety of sources - Church documents, the writings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and the work of prominent spiritual writers, particularly Saint Josemaria Escriva, who initiated the Navarre Bible project. The commentary appears on the same page as the Bible text, which is the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition. Each volume is self-contained with extensive introductions and notes to Old Testament prophecies. The Navarre Bible commentary is considered by many to be the best Catholic commentary on the Bible available today.

See our entire selection of Navarre Bibles.

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Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
Scepter Publishers
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Books & Accessories
navarre bible, bible commentary, navarre bible commentary, bible letter, letter volume, volume letter, letter cover, cover group, group seven, seven letter, letter described, described letter, letter james, james peter, peter john
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The Navarre Bible - Catholic Letters is a comprehensive volume covering seven letters: James; 1 & 2 Peter; 2 & 3 John; and Jude. Part of a 12-volume New Testament set, it offers deep scriptural insights with commentary from Church documents and spiri
tual writers like Saint Josemaria Escriva. Featuring the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, this softcover book includes extensive notes and introductions.

The Navarre Bible - Catholic Letters


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