
My First Missal - Updated Edition

"My First Missal - Updated Edition" is a vibrant Mass companion designed for children ages 6-8. This handy-sized booklet clearly explains each part of the Mass with prayers and responses from the revised Roman Missal. It also includes sections on visiting the Blessed Sacrament, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, an examination of conscience, and the Ten Commandments, making it perfect for kids, parents, and teachers.

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  • My First Missal
  • A popular choice for children
  • Colorful Mass companion

Kids, parents, and teachers will love this handy-sized booklet missal. Each part of the Mass is clearly explained in simple language with the prayers and responses according to the revised Roman Missal. Supplemental sections include material on making a visit to the Blessed Sacrament and on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, including the examination of conscience and the Ten Commandments. 

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