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My ABCs Box of Matching Games

The My ABCs Box of Matching Games is an educational gift set for Catholic children that includes two memory card decks in a personalized wooden box. One deck helps kids learn about saints, while the other covers Catholic words from A-Z. Ideal for First Communion, Christmas, or birthdays, this exclusive item from The Catholic Company encourages learning about Catholic faith.

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  • Set of two card decks
  • Personalized wooden storage box
  • Educational games for Catholic kids
  • Fantastic gift for any occasion
  • Designed and produced exclusively by The Catholic Company
With this set of two Catholic memory games, your child will learn about countless aspects of the Catholic Faith, from the saints to the Ten Commandments. One memory game features the saints, as your child matches the letter and image of the saint, while the other contains Catholic words from Angel to Zeal. With a personalized wooden box as a handy place to store the games, it makes a fantastic gift for First Communion, Christmas, or any birthday for a Catholic child.

© Copyright 2022 Trinity Road LLC/The Catholic Company
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Toys & Games
First Communion
set two, personalized wooden, fantastic gift, memory game, first communion, abc box, box matching, matching game, game set, two card, card deck, deck personalized, wooden storage, storage box, box educational
The My ABCs Box of Matching Games is an educational gift set for Catholic children that includes two memory card decks in a personalized wooden box. One deck helps kids learn about saints, while the other covers Catholic words from A-Z. Ideal for Fir
st Communion, Christmas, or birthdays, this exclusive item from The Catholic Company encourages learning about Catholic faith.

My ABCs Box of Matching Games


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