
Meditations Before Mass & Everyday Meditations (2 Book Set)

Enhance your spiritual journey with the Meditations Before Mass & Everyday Meditations 2 Book Set. "Meditations Before Mass" by Romano Guardini offers practical insights to overcome distractions during Mass, while "Everyday Meditations" by John Henry Newman provides daily guidance to discern God's voice. These books will enrich your worship and inspire personal conversion, nurturing a deeper connection to faith.
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  • 2 Book Set
  • Meditations Before Mass
  • Learn to overcome distraction and restlessness during Mass
  • Everyday Meditations
  • Meditations to help you discern God's voice daily

Meditations Before Mass:

Over fifty years ago, Msgr. Romano Guardini resolved to help his parishioners overcome the distractions and restlessness they suffered at Mass. Just before Mass each Sunday, he gave a brief talk on some aspect of the Mass, teaching them week by week, topic by topic, how to pre-pare themselves to participate more prayerfully. Afterward, he provided a few minutes of silence for reflection, and then began to offer Mass.

So helpful were these 32 talks that they were soon published and have since been reprinted countless times in numerous countries and languages, helping generations of Catholics to deepen their devotion during Mass. Practical, straightforward, and full of wisdom, these talks will help you to quiet your soul, concentrate your mind, and grow receptive to God's grace during Mass. 

In these pages, you'll discover:

  • The three principal hindrances to full participation in the Mass, to which all of us are prone
  • The real meaning of "keeping holy" the Sabbath
  • Its special importance for the family
  • One tendency we must overcome when listening to Scripture readings
  • How to gain control over your wandering attention 
  • The one indispensable element of a deep liturgical life 
  • What to do when the Mass becomes boring and "routine" 
  • How to achieve a genuine - not superficial - stillness 
  • The importance of listening and inner barriers that prevent it 
  • Why it's good to arrive early at Mass whenever possible 
  • The true significance of kneeling and standing in church 
  • And dozens of other practical ways to enrich your worship! 

Although he was an eminent theologian, Msgr. Guardini wrote for ordinary Catholics just like you. Practical, straightforward, yet full of wisdom, Meditations Before Mass will help you to quiet your soul, concentrate your mind, and grow more receptive to grace.


Everyday Meditations:

Over the years, the brilliant and often voluminous scholarly writings of the author of these words, John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801-1890), have drawn into the Church thousands more converts after him.

In this, his more modest work titled Everyday Meditations, we encounter not Newman-the-intellectual but Newman-the-simple-Christian, on his knees before God. Confident that the Church teaches us rightly but knowing as well that each of us must walk closely with God — hearing His voice not only through the Church but in the depths of our own hearts — Newman here shows us how to look to Jesus and declare:

"I need you to teach me day by day, according to each day's opportunities and needs. Teach me . . . to sit at your feet and to hear your word. Give me that true wisdom which seeks your will by prayer and meditation. . . . Give me the discernment to know your voice from the voice of strangers, to rest upon it, and to seek it in the first place."

To help you discern God's voice daily, rest in it, and respond to it according to each day's opportunities and needs, we have here gathered fifty of Newman's most moving Christian meditations, each guaranteed to enkindle in your soul the very same kind of love they enkindled in his. As they nurtured Newman's daily acts of conversion and finally made him worthy of the title "Blessed," so will they call you to daily acts of conversion and finally lead you, as they led Newman, "to bow down in awe before the depths of God's love."

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Dimensions & Specifications:

Meditations Before Mass:

  • ISBN: 9781622821662
  • Format: Softcover
  • Pages: 208
  • Author: Romano Guardini
  • Language: English

Everyday Meditations:


  • ISBN: 9781933184968
  • Language: English
  • Author: John Henry Newman
  • Format: Softcover
  • Pages: 192
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meditation mass, everyday meditation, mass everyday, book set, overcome distraction, distraction restlessness, help discern, discern god, god voice, voice daily, romano guardini, practical straightforward, full wisdom, help quiet, quiet soul
Enhance your spiritual journey with the Meditations Before Mass & Everyday Meditations 2 Book Set. "Meditations Before Mass" by Romano Guardini offers practical insights to overcome distractions during Mass, while "Everyday Meditations" by John Henry
Newman provides daily guidance to discern God's voice. These books will enrich your worship and inspire personal conversion, nurturing a deeper connection to faith.
St. John Henry Newman

Meditations Before Mass & Everyday Meditations (2 Book Set)


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