
Mealtime Blessings and Prayers for Catholic Families

"Mealtime Blessings and Prayers for Catholic Families" by Lorene Hanley Duquin is a 32-page paperback offering creative ways to enrich family mealtimes with prayer. Designed to bring families closer to each other and the Lord, it provides organized sections of prayers for various ages and occasions, inviting God into everyday moments and fostering comfortable, aloud prayer in children. An essential resource for nurturing family spirituality.

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  • Creative ways to help families at mealtime
  • Prayers to help you grow closer to each other and the Lord
  • Invites children and parents to put God at the center of family time
  • Teaches kids to be comfortable praying aloud with others
  • Great family resource
This indispensable prayer booklet is filled with creative ways to help families grow closer to God and to one another at mealtimes. For easy use, the prayers have been organized into sections. Here you will find mealtime prayers and blessings for various ages, for everyday meals, and for special occasions. Prayer at mealtimes invites God to be part of the Catholic family. And it teaches children not only methods of prayer but the power of prayer as they grow in discipleship and love.
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Bayard, INC.
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Books & Accessories
creative way, way help, help family, mealtime prayer, grow closer, creative way help, way help family, creative way help family, mealtime blessing, blessing prayer, prayer family, family creative, family mealtime, prayer help, help grow
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Prayer Book
"Mealtime Blessings and Prayers for Catholic Families" by Lorene Hanley Duquin is a 32-page paperback offering creative ways to enrich family mealtimes with prayer. Designed to bring families closer to each other and the Lord, it provides organized s
ections of prayers for various ages and occasions, inviting God into everyday moments and fostering comfortable, aloud prayer in children. An essential resource for nurturing family spirituality.

Mealtime Blessings and Prayers for Catholic Families


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