
Mass and Adoration Companion & My Daily Bread (2 Book Set)

Enhance your spiritual journey with the "Mass and Adoration Companion & My Daily Bread" 2-book set. Dive deep into ancient and modern prayers with Vinny and Erin Flynn's companion, designed to enrich Mass and Adoration experiences. Pair it with Father Anthony Paone's "My Daily Bread," offering daily reflections for spiritual growth and a closer union with Christ. Each book guides you to live a Eucharistic-centered life.

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  • 2 book set
  • Mass and Adoration Companion
  • Beautiful versions of both ancient and modern prayers for the Mass and Adoration time
  • My Daily Bread
  •  Short, daily reflections on the spiritual life to strengthen your love for Christ

Mass and Adoration Companion

Noted Catholic author Vinny Flynn and his daughter Erin have designed what is destined to become a much-loved companion volume for Mass and Adoration. Combining the best of tradition and modernity, this beautiful, deluxe volume will help you enter into the prayers of the Mass more fully and, thus, derive more benefit from not only the Holy Sacrifice, but from your Holy Hours before the Blessed Sacrament, and your personal prayer time as well.

• beautiful versions of both ancient and modern prayers
• brief explanatory notes to guide you through the different parts of the Mass
• entire section of prayers for Adoration
• space to make personal notations and add your own personal favorite prayers

Mass and Adoration Companion will help you develop your own unique way of conversing with God, so that Adoration and other prayer times will become completely centered on the loving and personal gift of the Presence of God, and so that the Mass will never again be just an hour-long event, but an inspiration and an aid to living a Eucharistic spirituality that will change your life.

My Daily Bread

Hear Christ speak to you like never before. My Daily Bread is a series of short, daily reflections on the spiritual life. Written with loving care by Father Anthony Paone, this devotional will strengthen your love for Christ and his teachings. Written as a dialogue with Christ himself, Father Paone leads the reader through the three ways of the spiritual life:  Purification, Imitation, and Union.

Arranged for daily reflection, this pocket-sized book is an indispensible guide to the spiritual life. 

My Daily Bread overflows with reflections and prayers specifically designed to help you grow in the spiritual life and overcome failings, including:

• How to cultivate, recognize, and follow your conscience
• A contemplation of the Four Last Things that will help keep your focus on the eternal
• The power of prayer as the first remedy to temptation
• A detailed guide on how to conquer a host of bad habits
• How to overcome our fear of suffering and embrace it as Christ embraced it
• How to live for Christ daily through spiritual reading, prayer, overcoming distractions, and cultivating devotions
• Achieving union with Christ through the Eucharist

Each daily reflection begins with Jesus speaking directly to you, kindly, patiently, and with great love. The next part of the reflection asks you to consider the truths presented in the words of Jesus. The final part consists of a prayer asking God for the help to receive His wisdom and use it fruitfully in your life.

My Daily Bread is a true Christian classic. Its simple, carefully-crafted daily reflections have led thousands to a drastically improved interior life and a deeper love for Christ. A solid, powerful Catholic alternative to books like Jesus Calling.

Dimensions & Specs

Mass and Adoration Companion

Author: Vinny & Erin Flynn

Format: Premium UltraSoft    

Pages: 188

My Daily Bread

Author: Father Anthony Paone     
Format: Softcover     
Pages: 439

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