“We always find that those who walked closest to Christ were those who had to bear the greatest trials.” - St. Teresa of Avila
This special box connects you to a powerful saint who is ready to be an encouraging guide and a consoling companion through your particular trial. Your patron saint will intercede for your needs and help you to grow in faith, hope, and love as you carry your cross. May you be richly blessed with the grace and strength of Jesus Christ through the friendship of His saints.
This healing saint box focuses on Our Lady Untier of Knots, a medieval Marian devotion that has become widespread in our difficult modern times. A thoughtful gift of prayer and healing for anyone whose heart and life seem knotted by choices or circumstances.
How to Use This Saint Box:
1. Comforting palm cross - Hold the cross so it rests comfortably in the palm of your hand as a reminder of God’s love for you. Keep it handy throughout the day for when you need to pray for strength and courage.
2. Patron Saint Statue - Read the short story of this saint’s life on the back of the statue box. Place the statue where you will always see it, as a reminder that your saint is interceding for you in heaven.
3. Decade Rosary - Use the one decade rosary to pray daily for your intentions, and invite your saint to pray with you. Pray the Our Father on the large bead. Then pray ten Hail Marys on the ten small beads. Finish with the Glory Be.
The included prayer card thoughtfully incorporates an original image of Our Lady, a serene color palette, and a traditional prayer asking for the her intercession and Our Lord's help.
Front: Gracious Mother, intercede for us and help us to unravel the knots that have twisted our hearts and lives.
Back: "Mary, Mother of fair love, I look to you. Take into your hands the ribbon of my life, and see the snarl of knots that keeps me bound to sin, anxiety, and hopelessness. I beg you, Mother, by your powerful intercession, to undo the knots in my heart and in my life [mention personal requests]. I beg you to undo this for the glory of God, once and for all. You are the fortification of my feeble strength, the enrichment of my destitution, and, with Christ, the freedom from my chains. Free me to love as Christ loves. Keep me, guide me, protect me, O safe refuge! Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for me. Amen."
© Copyright 2018 Trinity Road LLC/The Catholic Company
Mary Undoer of Knots Healing Box