St. Scholastica - The Power of Prayer - The Catholic Company®
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St. Scholastica - The Power of Prayer

Feb 10, 2021 by Sarah Bolton

On February 10th, we celebrate the feast day of  St. Scholastica.

Most people are more familiar with her twin brother,  St. Benedict, but St. Scholastica’s dedication to her faith is just as incredible. Her witness to the Benedictine motto, “that in all things God may be glorified,” inspired others and enabled the women’s Benedictine religious communities to flourish.

Who Is St. Scholastica?

We don't have many details on St. Scholastica, but we are able to gain a few glimpses into her life through the writings of St. Gregory the Great. She and Benedict were born in Italy in the year 480 and were raised together until Benedict left to further his studies.

At a young age, Scholastica joined a Benedictine order for women. It was only five miles from where Benedict’s monastery was!

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Every year, Scholastica and her brother were able to visit each other and discuss their spiritual challenges and joys.

Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica and Two Companions in a Landscape by Jean Baptiste de Champaigne

Women were not allowed in St. Benedict’s monastery, so every year, St. Benedict and a few other monks would journey to the convent’s guest houses. The monastery had strict rules that did not allow monks to spend the night— they were only allowed to spend one day there.

“I Asked God of It and He Granted It.”

According to St. Gregory the Great, Scholastica had become very ill. Her brother came to visit her. Sensing that her death was near, Scholastica asked her brother to spend the night. Benedict, however, was adamant that he could not stay. Scholastica then paused in prayer.

A severe thunderstorm suddenly started, preventing Benedict and his companions from returning to the abbey. Understanding what she had prayed for, Benedict cried out, “God forgive you, Sister. What have you done?”

Scholastica simply replied, “I asked a favor of you and you refused. I asked it of God and he granted it.”

St. Scholastica is visited by St. Benedict

Thus, the brother and sister were able to spend their last evening together. The next morning, Benedict journeyed back to the monastery. Three days later, Scholastica died from her illness.

Praying in his monastery, Benedict saw a white dove circling the convent, rising, and eventually disappearing. He took this to mean that his sister had breathed her last and announced her death to his monks.

There are numerous lessons of faith we can learn from St. Scholastica and her commitment to the Benedictine values. She lived her life based on the hallmarks of prayer, work, study, community, reverence, and respect. St. Gregory the Great wrote that "she could do more because she loved more.”

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Below is the Litany of St. Scholastica. It was found in an out-of-print book entitled St. Benedict’s Manual

Litany of St. Scholastica

Lord have mercy on us. 

Lord have mercy on us. 

Christ have mercy on us. 

Christ have mercy on us. 

Lord have mercy on us. 

Lord have mercy on us. 

Christ hear us. 

Christ graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us. 

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. 

God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us. 

Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, Pray for us. 

Holy Mother of God, Pray for us. 

Holy Virgin of virgins, Pray for us. 

Saint Scholastica, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, true sister of St. Benedict, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, chosen by God from eternity, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, prevented by the grace of Christ Our Lord, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, consecrated to God from thy infancy, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, always a virgin incorrupt, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, espoused to Jesus Christ, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, scholar of the Holy Ghost, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, mirror of innocence, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, model of perfection, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, pattern of virtues, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, glory of the monastic life, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, mother of numberless virgins, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, imitator of the angelic life, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, full of faith in God, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, replenished with hope of the goods of heaven, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, ever burning with the love of thy Spouse, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, resplendent with humility, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, trusting as a daughter in the Lord, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, intent on prayer, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, quickly heard by the Lord, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, famed for the praise of perseverance, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, who didst enter the courts of Heaven in the form of a dove, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, who dost now follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, who dost rejoice in delights of thy Spouse for ever, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, adorned with a crown of glory, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, advocate with God of those who invoke thee, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, generous patron of those who imitate thee, Pray for us. 

St. Scholastica, holy and innocent virgin, Pray for us.

St. Benedict and St. Scholastica: Brother and Sister

We sinners: Beseech thee, Saint Scholastica, to hear us.

That thou deign to help us, by thy most holy and efficacious prayers to God, We beseech thee, hear us. 

That thou deign to cherish and preserve, by thy protection, the Benedictine Order (and this monastery) and all who dwell therein, We beseech thee, hear us. 

(That thou admit us into the number of thy children,) We beseech thee, hear us. 

That thou deign to raise up, increase, and preserve our devotion toward thee, We beseech thee, hear us. 

(That thou deign to preserve in us the perfect observance of the Rule of thy blessed brother, our most holy Father Saint Benedict,) We beseech thee, hear us. 

That thou deign by thy supplications, to moisten the dryness of our hearts with the dew of heavenly grace, We beseech thee, hear us. 

That, by thy intercession, thou mayest eternally unite us to Christ, the Spouse of our souls, We beseech thee, hear us. 

That thou mayest lead us to eternal joys, and to Jesus, (our most sweet Spouse), We beseech thee, hear us. 

That thou wouldst vouchsafe to hear us, We beseech thee, hear us.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord. 

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Graciously hear its, O Lord. 

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us.

V. Pray for us, O holy Virgin Scholastica: 

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. O God, Who, to show the innocence of her life, didst cause the soul of Thy blessed Virgin Scholastica to ascend to Heaven in the form of a dove: grant, we beseech Thee, by her merits and prayers, that we may live so innocently, as to deserve to arrive at eternal joys. Through Jesus Christ, Thine only-begotten Son, Our Lord, Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, God, for ever and ever. 

R. Amen.
