Pope Francis' Eucharistic Miracle in Argentina
Apr 01, 2013 by Gretchen Filz
Easter is a beautiful time to deepen our devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Pascal Mystery which we celebrate in a special way during the Easter Triduum—the Passion, death and bodily resurrection of Christ—is daily present to us in the Eucharist. The Church teaches that Jesus is really, truly, and actually there—Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity—in the Holy Eucharist.
Unfortunately it is all to easy, due to human weakness, to begin to lose our sense of awe, wonder, and adoration of Our Lord in the Eucharist.
A great way to reinvigorate our belief and to encourage devotion to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is by reading accounts of Eucharistic miracles that have occurred throughout the ages of the Church, from the earliest years to modern times. In fact, Jesus gives us these miracles throughout the centuries so that our love for him in the Eucharist will not wane or grow cold.
If you haven't had the chance to visit a Eucharistic Miracle exhibit, I highly recommend it. You can read many of the accounts online at the Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association website. Click on the "English" tab and scroll down until you see "Miracles by Country." Each of those hyperlinks opens to a PDF document of various documented, Church-verified accounts of Eucharistic Miracles.
One recent account of a scientifically analyzed Eucharistic Miracle was witnessed by our own Pope Francis while he was Cardinal Bergoglio. We've included below a blog article written about the miracle. Hopefully reading this account will deepen your awe and reverence when receiving Holy Communion, and also encourage you to spend more time in Eucharistic Adoration.
Cardinal Bergoglio's Eucharistic Miracle in Argentina
A recent documented account of a Eucharistic Miracle took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1996 under the leadership of Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis: