The Best-Sellers: Our Ultimate Advent & Christmas Gift Guide - The Catholic Company®
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The Best-Sellers: Our Ultimate Advent & Christmas Gift Guide

Nov 03, 2017 by Gretchen Filz

Getting ready for the Advent and Christmas season? We've put together an ultimate gift guide listing our top holiday sellers all in one spot.

Here are two of the top best-sellers in each of the following categories: Advent wreaths, Kneeling Santa, Christmas Ornaments, Christmas books, Advent calendars, Nativity scenes, Christmas cards, Christmas traditions, and Christmas gifts.  Hopefully, this will give you a good idea of what's popular, and what you might like to incorporate as gifts or decorations in your home this Advent & Christmas season.

Category: Advent Wreaths

Next, to Christmas trees, Advent wreaths are a staple decoration for many Christian homes. Violet is the liturgical color used to signify a time of penance, sacrifice, and prayer, that's why Advent candles are traditionally purple.  One of the candles is pink, and this one is lit on the third Sunday of Advent in celebration of the period of waiting for the birth of Christ coming soon to an end.

Four Weeks of Advent Classic Advent Wreath Set

This beautifully engraved pewter Advent wreath is a classic design that looks great while also helping everyone in the family to remember what each candle stands for, keeping everyone focused on Christ during the family's Advent journey. The Four Weeks of Advent Classic Advent Wreath comes with a set of four Advent candles: three purple candles, and one pink candle.

Metal advent wreath

White Poinsettia Advent Wreath

White silk poinsettia blooms are paired with golden berries and tender leaves to create an elegant look on this traditional Advent wreath. The green evergreen base and circular wreath shape recall eternity and everlasting life. The White Poinsettia Advent Wreath makes an elegant Advent wreath for your home year after year.

advent wreath

Category: Kneeling Santa

Year after year our Kneeling Santa collection continues to be best-sellers, so they deserve a category all their own.  The Kneeling Santa collection features variations of St. Nicholas adoring at the manger of the Baby Jesus. Each Kneeling Santa statue, ornament, and figurine is inspired by the Scripture verse, “…at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord…” ( Philippians 2:10-1).  A wonderful reminder to keep Jesus at the center of the season.

Kneeling Santa Figure

Everyone loves the Kneeling Santa figure because it incorporates both St. Nicholas and the Baby Jesus into the Christmas decorations.  This statue features Santa kneeling at the manger of the Baby Jesus, with Santa hat removed in humble adoration.  A lamb kneels next to him, symbolic of both the stable scenery on that Christmas night as well as Jesus' role as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The whole scene rests on a bed of straw. Not only a nice Christmas decoration to display year after year, it is also a popular gift idea.

kneeling santa statue

A Special Place for Santa Book

How does one reconcile Jesus and Santa Claus in their thinking? "A Special Place for Santa" blends imagination and historical facts in a delightful way that brings Santa Claus - St. Nicholas - to his knees before the living Christ.

A Special place for santa

Category: Christmas Ornaments

There are always a wide variety of Christmas ornaments to choose from in all the big box stores.  But not many have ornament choices that are specifically religious in nature and serve an inspirational purpose.

Mother's Kiss Ornament

This lovely piece will be a reminder of Mary’s love for the Son of God... an example set for all generations to come. The Mother's Kiss ornament figure of Mary and child honors the special bond of a mother and child.

Mary ornament

Song of Angels Ornament

Through the centuries, hundreds of artists have tried to capture the events surrounding the birth of Christ. Bouguereau's 1881 painting of the “Song of the Angels” beautifully illustrates the serenity and majesty encompassed in the feast of Christmas. The Song of Angels ornament features an elegant glass design with a ribbon hanger. 

Song of Angels ornament

Category: Advent Prayer Books & Christmas Books

Advent and Christmas books are an essential resource to help you celebrate the liturgical season and to receive the graces that are ready to be gained by engaging your heart more deeply into this special time of year. If you don't have a few, it's not too late. Advent and Christmas books usually contain special prayers, devotions, and explanations to take you from the First week of Advent through to Epiphany.

Advent with Our Lady of Fatima

Blessed John Henry Newman has long been a source of inspiration for those in the Church. In this new and compact compilation of his sermons, you're invited to journey with Bl. John Henry Newman through Advent into Christmas and Epiphany, meditating on the coming of Christ and the Christian life. In Waiting for Christ: Meditations for Advent and Christmas Newman's masterful knowledge of the lives of the saints, Catholic doctrine, and, above all, Sacred Scripture, will help you immerse yourself in these liturgical seasons of waiting, wondering, and joy.

Waiting for Christ


24 Christmas Stories to Welcome Jesus

The joy and hope of Christmas are at the heart of this book intended for the whole family. Starting with the 1st of December (like an Advent calendar) each day has a new story, leading up to Christmas. Richly illustrated, this collection includes stories based on the Gospel accounts of the birth of Christ, as well as stories about Advent and Christmas customs. Also presented are original tales about living the Christmas message.

24 christmas stories

Category: Advent Calendars

Advent calendars for kids are one of the most popular Advent activities because they channel kid's natural anticipation of Christmas day.  Kids are going to count down the days anyways, so many parents get them a fun and colorful Advent calendar to help keep the focus on Jesus and the true meaning of the season, a time of preparation and joy as we anticipate the birth of the Baby Jesus.

Wooden Heirloom Advent Calendar

For the young at heart, the anticipation of this joyful feast evokes cherished memories of family and friends with each passing week. From simple chalk markings to lighting candles, families have marked the coming of Christmas in a variety of ways, and now we present you with a truly magnificent way to prepare for the joyous birth of the Christ Child. A 3D wooden calendar with 24 doors allows both children and the young-hearted to reflect on each member in the Nativity story while enjoying whatever small treasure lies behind each door.

advent calendar

Peace on Earth Chocolate Advent Calendar

Enjoy the Christmas countdown with this adorable chocolate filled Advent calendar. Upon opening each window, find a wonderful piece of gourmet milk chocolate, and a Bible text that tells a part of the Nativity story.  Open the windows and follow the story until the 24th of December - the night Baby Jesus was born!


Category: Nativity Sets

Nativity Manger Scenes are one of the oldest Christmas traditions.  St. Francis of Assisi is credited with making the first nativity scene back in the 13th century. Today, manger scenes are displayed as a visual reminder of the events from that first Christmas night, when a Savior was born to the world.  Nativity sets come in a variety of kinds and styles, from more traditional versions to modern styles. The most popular nativity scenes are usually the classic ones, because these become part of a family's Christmas decorations for decades and also become heirlooms when the kids are grown.

7 Piece Nativity Set with Italian Wood Stable 5" Scale

Fontanini is renowned for its beautifully sculpted and hand-painted figurines. This set includes seven of these figurines, along with a wood stable that has a mossy roof and bark accents. Beautiful and traditional, it will be a cherished Christmas display for you or for a loved one, for years to come.

nativity set

Nativity Nesting Dolls Set

Nesting dolls have always been a favorite tradition for many families. Stack them inside each other and take them out again. These figurines are cheery and will bring a smile to your face, and are the sweetest representation of the Nativity you may ever see.

nativity nesting dolls

Category: Christmas Cards

Sending Christmas cards to friends, co-workers, and loved ones is a Christmas tradition that will never go out of fashion.  Religious Christmas cards are so popular because we want to remember the reason for the season by sending inspirational messages.  When everyone else is sending Christmas cards of reindeer in the snow, you can be the one friend or family member who makes everyone remember that this is a spiritual celebration.

L'Innocence Christmas Cards

Madonna and Child art is a great choice for Christmas cards, and this box of 20 features one of our most popular pieces of framed art, the L'Innocence by Bouguereau. This is a tender, soft, and beautiful French painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus.  Mary cradles a lamb along with her Son, reminiscent of his coming Passion. The inside reflection reads: "Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen." And the inside message reads: "May the miracle of Christmas find you safe in the peace of God and warm in the light of Christ."


Irish Christmas Blessing Greeting Cards

This beautifully designed set of 20 Christmas cards features a unique seasonal Irish design.  The cover reads: "The light of the Christmas star to you, the warmth of home and hearth to you, the cheer and good will of friends to you, the hope of a childlike heart to you, the joy of a thousand angels to you, the love of the Son, and God's peace to you. Amen." And the inside message reads: "May God hold you in the palm of His hand this Christmas and always."

irish blessing

Category: Christmas Traditions

This category includes our Christmas Traditions items that are best sellers outside of the other categories included in this gift guide. In addition to being great gift ideas, both of these are Christmas traditions that can be incorporated into your family's festivities each year.

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh - Small 3 Box Set

This unique Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh set includes three intricate boxes that hold the gifts that the three wise men presented to the Child Jesus.  Each of the unique wooden boxes are hand made and adorned with brass appliqué of filigree and stars to capture how these gifts may have been presented by the Three Kings more than 2000 years ago.  This gift set also includes a gold embossed display card that tells a brief story of the Original Gifts of Christmas and a Certificate of Authenticity that states that the gold is real 23k and the frankincense and myrrh are pure and from the same regions as the gifts brought on the first Christmas. Displays beautifully next to a creche or nativity scene.

Gold frankincense myrrh

Oplatki (Oplatek) Christmas Wafers

Polish, Slovak and Lithuanian families observe the centuries-old Oplatki Christmas Tradition. The word Oplatki means "Angel Bread".  On Christmas Eve the family gathers together to share the Oplatki wafer along with blessings for each member of the family.  Each wafer comes in an envelope with the Oplatki tradition printed on the back, so you can re-establish a favorite family custom or start a new custom with friends.  The wafers are similar in touch and taste to a communion host, imprinted with 4 Christmas images.  Oplatki wafers can easily be mailed in a Christmas card, making this a great way to connect family and friends in solidarity with one another who live very far apart.

Opalaki wafers

Category: Christmas Gifts

Many families often receive Christmas gifts that all members can experience and enjoy together. This category includes two of our best selling Christmas gifts that your entire family will love for years to come, while also incorporating the spiritual importance of the Advent and Christmas seasons.

Personalized "Christmas Star" Nativity Set

Evocative of the favorite miniatures you used to spend hours playing with during a visit to your grandparents, this special Nativity representation depicts a real life scene that unfolded on a starry night in Bethlehem. At once tasteful and charming, the Christmas Star Nativity set is truly a treasure. Personalize it for a loved one and begin a tradition for years to come.

Christmas star set

The Giving Manger Gift Set

This Giving Manger set includes everything you need to bring the spirit of service into your home. This tradition will become a family favorite year after year, and it will surely help create some of your most cherished Advent and Christmas memories! This gift set includes a book, wooden manger, bundle of straw, and baby Jesus.

giving manger

The End!

We hope this gift guide helped!  This is just a small sampling of The Catholic Company's HUGE selection of Advent and Christmas gifts. Let us help you make this Advent and Christmas season your best ever—by offering products that will help you keep a strong spiritual center throughout your seasonal celebrations.

gift guide

This article has been updated and was originally published in November 2012. © The Catholic Company. All rights reserved.
