A Guide to Baptism Gifts from The Catholic Company - The Catholic Company®
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A Guide to Baptism Gifts from The Catholic Company

May 22, 2023 by Cheryl Hadley

There are few things more awe-inspiring for Catholics than the sacramental occasions we celebrate. Baptism is an especially joyful event, as an occasion to welcome new life and a reminder of the great love of God the Father, Who claims us as His children. This special sacrament also cleanses us of the original sin we inherit from our first parents, Adam and Eve, and incorporates us into the Body of Christ, so we can bring His light into a wounded world.

I will be a father to you,
and you shall be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty.   - 2 Cor 6:18

To help you mark this joyful day, The Catholic Company has curated a wonderful assortment of Baptism gifts, from heirloom to everyday. Here are a few of our favorite finds by category:

Traditional Keepsake Items 

You can never go wrong with a classic heirloom or keepsake gift for your cherished little one. We have such a distinctive assortment. Musical figurines and keepsake boxes are special mementos.


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Decorative items for use in baby's room make meaningful gifts, especially when faith is the theme.


Charming personal items that reflect the Faith make wonderful gifts for your little one. They don't have to be expensive to be lovely.



Crosses & Crucifixes

A cross or crucifix is the perfect Baptism gift. Many of our Baptism sacramentals are styled for boys or girls, so that you can choose appropriately.


Crucifixes are such important items for Catholic homes, especially bedrooms, where they bring grace, protection, and a reminder of His love. 


We carry both traditional and more contemporary items to suit any style.


Our selection includes those that you can keep using as baby grows. 



frame versatile enough to be displayed anywhere at home is a thoughtful way to commemorate the occasion. We can personalize it for you with baby's name and date, to add a special touch to your gift.


When you give a frame, your present turns a moment in time into a precious memory. 


Apparel & Accessories

Everyone loves to snuggle a newborn babe. Soft, sweet baby clothes are a precious and practical gift of celebration.



We have some unique items that are practical, pretty, and perfect for gifting.



Our artisan items are incredibly faithful and unique.



So many colors and textures to choose from. 




Faith-themed books are a wonderful way to celebrate Baptism. Help start a collection for baby, or add books with faithful messages. 


Books come in many forms: fabulous finds for active minds, restful gifts to quiet little hearts at bedtime, and keepsakes you can enjoy together over time.


Stories for sharing in tender moments, or books that activate baby's sense of wonder and imagination.


Catholic baby prayer books and story bibles (sturdy and easy to carry!) will transition to childhood and beyond.


Lovies & Toys to Soothe

Of course, there are many everyday moments that aren't quiet perfection. For times when comfort is key, we have lovies to cuddle.



Engaging, distinctive, and attractive toys to soothe.



Stuffed animals to charm and delight. And even "first dolls" that bring Jesus and Mary into baby's life in a comforting way. 




Jewelry is a timeless and classic Baptism gift, and our selection features something that will please everyone. Baby pins have been traditional at Baptism for generations. 


From traditional sacramentals to special devotionals, you are sure to find something meaningful for a beloved baby.



Bracelets are also popular, and make precious mementos and heirlooms.



Necklaces are also among the most beloved traditional gifts for Baptism. We carry many styles.


Have your priest bless any sacramental you give to baby, so it brings special graces and protection. 




Rosaries also make timeless and faithful gifts at Baptism. Any occasion is the perfect one to bring a soul to Mary, or Mary to a soul. 


Give a keepsake item that will be cherished for years to come, or a rosary baby can enjoy today.


We design and handcraft custom rosaries here at The Catholic Company that are heirloom quality gifts of faith and prayer. Honor the sacrament or a beloved devotion.


Some rosaries come tucked inside commemorative rosary boxes, or in gift sets with other items.



Crib Medals

Crib Medals, blessed by a priest, were traditionally hung near baby's crib as a powerful sacramental of protection that would bring baby special graces. There are traditional styles and more contemporary ones to choose from today. 




And the very best gift for a Catholic baby...

...is of course, the gift of prayer. As little ones grow—and grow into our Catholic faith—pray that they will be strong and healthy, come to know and love God, and be well formed by their parents and godparents. Pray that they will sense His presence in their lives and remain pure and protected from all harm. The Lord has invited you into the life of this little one for a special reason. He has made you a part of His miracle. What a blessing! 

Our beautiful baby gifts bring faith into the celebration of new life. Those featured here are a small sampling.

To see a much larger selection of our Baptism Gifts, click here.
