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5 Facts You May Not Know About Saint Matthew Latest

5 Facts You May Not Know About Saint Matthew

Oct 16, 2024 by

The life of Saint Matthew is a profound story of conversion through divine grace. His story illustrates how a person can rise above his past and live in the service of Christ and others. Explore these five facts you may not know about Saint Matthew and reflect on your own potential for renewal through Christ.

He Was a Tax Collector

Before his calling as an Apostle, Saint Matthew worked as a tax collector in Capernaum. Tax collectors were often viewed with disdain by the Jewish community due to their association with the Roman authorities and their reputation for corruption. It is remarkable that Jesus chose someone from such a despised profession to be one of His closest followers, but this choice exemplifies the boundless reach of Jesus’ love and forgiveness.

Matthew’s Original Name Was Levi

Saint Matthew was originally named Levi, which highlights his Jewish heritage. The name Matthew is derived from the Hebrew “Mattityahu,” meaning “Gift of Yahweh.” Though it is not known if his name changed or he simply had two names, as was common in that time and place, it is possible he underwent a name change at his calling by Jesus. Such a name change signified a transformation in his life’s purpose as he went from collecting taxes to collecting souls for the Kingdom of God. This change also reflects the broader theme of rebirth and renewal that is central to our Catholic Faith.

He Is Symbolized by an Angel

Another fact you may not know about Saint Matthew is that he has his own symbol. All the Gospel writers, in fact, have their own symbols: a man (usually portrayed as an angel) for Matthew, a lion for Mark, an ox for Luke, and an eagle for John. Saint Matthew’s symbol is a man/angel because he starts his Gospel with the human genealogy of Christ.

The four Evangelists are often portrayed in art with their particular symbol. Matthew is often shown listening to an angel, who speaks to him as he writes his Gospel.

He Was a Prolific Missionary

Following Jesus’ Ascension, Matthew embarked on a missionary journey to spread the teachings of Christ. Tradition holds that he first preached in Palestine then in regions such as Ethiopia and Persia, dedicating his life to sharing the Gospel. He was martyred in Ethiopia while celebrating Mass. Through his missionary work, Matthew exemplified unwavering devotion and courage and brought the light of Christ to distant lands and diverse peoples.

He Is the Patron Saint of Accountants

Saint Matthew is honored as the patron saint of accountants, bankers, tax collectors, and civil servants. This patronage reflects both his professional background and his spiritual transformation. By invoking Saint Matthew, those who work in these professions can draw inspiration from a saint who turned a life of worldly dealings into one of divine service.

Catholic jewelry featuring images of Saint Matthew or symbols associated with him serve as tangible reminders of his life and mission. Consider wearing saint earrings featuring Saint Matthew’s symbols to seek his guidance and intercession.

Saint Matthew’s story is one of profound transformation and dedicated service. From tax collector to Apostle, his life illustrates the power of Jesus’ call and the potential for redemption in every soul. As we reflect on his story, we are reminded of the forgiveness and renewal that our Catholic Faith offers. May his life inspire us to serve with humility and devotion in our own journeys.
