
Lives of the Saints: Seek and Find Series (Book 2)

"Lives of the Saints: Seek and Find Series (Book 2)" is an engaging children's book that takes readers on a time-travel adventure with Sarah, Simon, and animal friends as they explore the lives of saints. With colorful illustrations, children will encounter saints like Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Teresa of Calcutta. This 32-page hardcover book promises a fun and educational journey through history.

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  • Fun and engaging children's book
  • Follow Sarah & Simon back in time
  • Experience the events in the life of the saints
  • See in great and colorful detail the events in the lives of our heavenly friends
In the Seek and Find book, children look for Sara and Simon, a girl and a boy like them; Felix and Estella, a teacher and his daughter; Lavan and Hoom, the two cats; and Gil the goat. Along the way the will meet some great saints: Saint Blandina of Lyon, Saint Genevieve of Paris, Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Catherine of Siena, Francis Xavier of the Indies, Saint Vincent de Paul of Paris, Saint John Bosco of Turin, Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, Saint Damien of Molokai, Saint Charles de Foucauld of the Sahara, and Saint Teresa of Calcutta.  

For the first book in the series, click here to see The Life of Jesus Seek and Find Series (Book 1) 
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Saints & Blesseds
Ignatius Press
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Books & Accessories
seek find, life saint, find series, series book, event life, paris saint, seek find series, find series book, seek find series book, saint seek, book fun, fun engaging, engaging child, child book, book follow
First Communion
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"Lives of the Saints: Seek and Find Series (Book 2)" is an engaging children's book that takes readers on a time-travel adventure with Sarah, Simon, and animal friends as they explore the lives of saints. With colorful illustrations, children will en
counter saints like Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Teresa of Calcutta. This 32-page hardcover book promises a fun and educational journey through history.

Lives of the Saints: Seek and Find Series (Book 2)


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