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Liturgy and Life Study Bible

The "Liturgy and Life Study Bible" in hardcover is a must-have for those passionate about liturgy and worship. Using the New American Bible, Revised Edition, this study bible is enriched with essays from leading scholars on topics like Jewish traditions, social justice, and sacraments. It features flagged comments for liturgical and personal prayer insights and a correlation chart linking biblical texts with Catholic liturgy.
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  • Hardcover NAB-RE Study Bible
  • Explores how liturgy forms worship
  • Essays from top scholars on a variety of topics
  • Flagged comments when a topic is liturgical or valuable for personal prayer
  • Great study bible for lovers of the Liturgy
How does the Bible form our worship practices? How does liturgy incorporate the Bible? The Liturgy and Life Study Bible explores these questions and provides answers for today’s church. This indispensable guide includes essays from the world’s top liturgical and biblical scholars on a variety of subjects, including Jewish liturgical traditions, Psalms as liturgical prayer, early church worship, social justice, sacraments, the Last Supper, and more.

Throughout the biblical text, brief comments flag passages that contain something of liturgical or personal prayer interest. A correlation chart highlights the intersection between biblical passages and the Catholic liturgy, listing every place where a verse of the Bible appears in any liturgical book: the Missal, the orders of sacramental rites, even the Roman Gradual and the Martyrology.

This one-of-a-kind tool will serve researchers, catechists, preachers, and anyone studying the Bible for the purposes of prayer and meditation.
Uses the New American Bible, Revised Edition. 

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Liturgical Press
Product Category:
Books & Accessories
study bible, liturgy life, life study, bible explores, form worship, scholar variety, personal prayer, liturgy life study, life study bible, study bible explores, liturgy life study bible, bible hardcover, hardcover study, explores liturgy, liturgy f
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Holy Orders
The "Liturgy and Life Study Bible" in hardcover is a must-have for those passionate about liturgy and worship. Using the New American Bible, Revised Edition, this study bible is enriched with essays from leading scholars on topics like Jewish traditi
ons, social justice, and sacraments. It features flagged comments for liturgical and personal prayer insights and a correlation chart linking biblical texts with Catholic liturgy.
Media Type:
Bible or Book

Liturgy and Life Study Bible


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