
Little Books for Catholic Kids Board Book Set of 6

Introduce young children to faith and life lessons with the "Little Books for Catholic Kids" board book set. This charming collection of six books, featuring illustrations inspired by Sister M.I. Hummel, is perfect for children ages 3-6. Teach themes like prayer, helpfulness, and love with delightful stories. Ideal for quiet moments together, this set is a must-have for any family library.

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  • Sweet set of 6 board books
  • Charming illustrations inspired by Sr. M. I. Hummel's figurines
  • Delightful books for kids ages 3-6, filled with age appropriate life lessons
  • Early formation for those quiet moments together
  • Must-have for toddlers and preschoolers and a great start to your family library
These delightful board books with illustrations inspired by Sister M.I. Hummel® feature life lessons for children ages 3-6, including when to pray, how to help others, being a good example and more. Ideal for quiet time together and early formation, they provide special teaching moments for tender souls. This Box Set includes 6 children's books with inspiring life lessons. Books set includes: I Can Change the World!, Lessons from Jesus, Love and Serve Others, Love Your Neighbor, My Guardian Angel and When Do I Pray? Each board book is 16 pages in length and features charming illustrations inspired by Sister M.I. Hummel and engaging for children.
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Books & Accessories
board book, illustration inspired, set includes, book kid, book set, charming illustration, life lesson, early formation, inspired sister, sister hummel, charming illustration inspired, illustration inspired sister, inspired sister hummel, illustrati
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Introduce young children to faith and life lessons with the "Little Books for Catholic Kids" board book set. This charming collection of six books, featuring illustrations inspired by Sister M.I. Hummel, is perfect for children ages 3-6. Teach themes
like prayer, helpfulness, and love with delightful stories. Ideal for quiet moments together, this set is a must-have for any family library.

Little Books for Catholic Kids Board Book Set of 6


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