
Bless Us O Lord - Let's Eat Block Sign

The "Bless Us O Lord - Let's Eat" Block Sign is a charming addition to any Catholic kitchen, featuring the traditional blessing in elegant muted blue script over the phrase "Let's Eat." Exclusively designed by The Catholic Company, this stylish white wood block is ideal for countertops or tables, making it an excellent housewarming or bridal shower gift. Measures 5" x 5" x 1".

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  • White wood block featuring the Catholic blessing before meals
  • Lovely muted blue script
  • Superimposed over the phrase, Let's Eat.
  • Fabulous mix of faith & style
  • Designed and produced exclusively by The Catholic Company

The Catholic kitchen is a lively place, and Catholic mealtime is faithful, fun, and family oriented. This pretty white block sign acknowledges all of that in fabulous style. The square wooden block features the traditional Catholic blessing, scripted elegantly in a muted Marian blue, and superimposed over the very practical phrase, Let's Eat.

Faithful, practical and attractively styled for your Catholic home, it's the perfect piece for the kitchen counter, windowsill, table or anywhere you please. Makes a great Housewarming or Bridal Shower gift, and a distinctive accessory for your sacred space.

© Copyright 2024 Trinity Road LLC/The Catholic Company
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Trinity - Mfg'd Product
Product Category:
Home Decor
Mother's Day
block sign, phrase let, bless lord, lord let, let eat, eat block, sign white, white wood, wood block, block featuring, featuring blessing, blessing meal, meal lovely, lovely muted, muted blue
The "Bless Us O Lord - Let's Eat" Block Sign is a charming addition to any Catholic kitchen, featuring the traditional blessing in elegant muted blue script over the phrase "Let's Eat." Exclusively designed by The Catholic Company, this stylish white
wood block is ideal for countertops or tables, making it an excellent housewarming or bridal shower gift. Measures 5" x 5" x 1".

Bless Us O Lord - Let's Eat Block Sign


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