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An Introduction to the Devout Life & The Spriritual Combat (2 Book Set)

This two-book set offers "An Introduction to the Devout Life" by St. Francis de Sales, a trusted guide to spiritual devotion, and "The Spiritual Combat and a Treatise on Peace of Soul" by Dom Lorenzo Scupoli, providing strategic insights into spiritual discipline. Perfect for anyone seeking to deepen their faith journey, these timeless works offer practical wisdom and guidance for modern spiritual life.

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  • Two book set
  • An Introduction to the Devout Life
  • A competent guide to reaching the goal of Heaven
  • The Spiritual Combat and a Treatise on Peace of Soul
  • Provides timeless guidance in spiritual discipline

An Introduction to the Devout Life: As no sensible person would make a long road trip without first consulting a map, so the person intent upon gaining Heaven should first resort to a competent guide to reach that Goal of all goals. And no better guide to Heaven exists than An Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Doctor of the Church.
Addressed as a personal letter to Philothea, the lover of God which genuinely represents the reader the book covers: our first desire to lead a devout life to our full resolution to do so, how we should approach God in prayer and the Sacraments, the practice of 16 important virtues, remedies against ordinary temptations, and becoming confirmed in our practice of devotion. St. Francis says, Devotion is spiritual agility and vivacity, by means of which charity works in us, or we in her, with love and readiness; and as charity leads us to obey and fulfill all God's Commandments, so devotion leads us to obey them with promptitude and diligence.

The Spiritual Combat and a Treatise on Peace of Soul: Salvation and spiritual perfection should not be sought haphazardly; a strategy is needed to win the battle for our souls. The Spiritual Combat, first published in 1589, provides timeless guidance in spiritual discipline. St Francis de Sales (1576-1622) read from it himself every day and recommended it to everyone under his direction. Vigorous, realistic and full of keen insight into human nature, The Spiritual Combat consists of short chapters based on the maxim that in the spiritual life one must either "fight or die". Fr. Scupoli shows the Christian how to combat his passions and vices, especially impurity and sloth, in order to arrive at victory. 

An Introduction to the Devout Life

  • Author: St. Francis de Sales
  • 360 pages
  • Softcover
  • 5½ x 8½ inches
  • ISBN: 9780895552280

The Spiritual Combat and a Treatise on Peace of Soul

  • Author: Dom Lorenzo Scupoli
  • 264 pages
  • Softcover
  • 5 ½ x 8½ inches
  • ISBN: 9780895551528

Also available separately

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Saints & Blesseds
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devout life, introduction devout, spiritual combat, introduction devout life, combat treatise, treatise peace, peace soul, francis de, de sale, spiritual combat treatise, combat treatise peace, treatise peace soul, francis de sale, spiritual combat t
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St. Francis de Sales
This two-book set offers "An Introduction to the Devout Life" by St. Francis de Sales, a trusted guide to spiritual devotion, and "The Spiritual Combat and a Treatise on Peace of Soul" by Dom Lorenzo Scupoli, providing strategic insights into spiritu
al discipline. Perfect for anyone seeking to deepen their faith journey, these timeless works offer practical wisdom and guidance for modern spiritual life.

An Introduction to the Devout Life & The Spriritual Combat (2 Book Set)


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