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How to Pray the Rosary Pamphlet (10 Pack)

This 10-pack "How to Pray the Rosary" pamphlet offers beautifully designed, full-color guidance on Rosary prayer, complete with instructions, history, and meditations. Ideal for deepening devotion, it features Scripture readings, a step-by-step prayer guide, and historical context. Perfect for distribution at Mass, parish events, or as a thoughtful gift for RCIA students, confirmaed individuals, or graduates.

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  • How to Pray the Rosary Pamphlet (10 Pack)
  • Beautifully designed & full color
  • Instructions, history and meditations for the Rosary
  • Encourage greater devotion to the Rosary

This attractive and concise guide will instruct and inspire Catholics in recitation of the most holy Rosary. Each set of mysteries is accompanied by Scripture passages and meditations. Reverse side features a step-by-step guide to saying the Rosary, with the full text of each prayer and historical origins of the Rosary. Hand out after Mass, as a follow-up to a homily on the power of prayer. Insert in your weekly bulletin with a meditation. Distribute it at a parish family event. Wonderful parish gift for RCIA students, those recently confirmed, or graduates.

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pray rosary, rosary pamphlet, pamphlet pack, pray rosary pamphlet, rosary pamphlet pack, pray rosary pamphlet pack, pack pray, pack beautifully, beautifully designed, designed full, full color, color instruction, instruction history, history meditati
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This 10-pack "How to Pray the Rosary" pamphlet offers beautifully designed, full-color guidance on Rosary prayer, complete with instructions, history, and meditations. Ideal for deepening devotion, it features Scripture readings, a step-by-step praye
r guide, and historical context. Perfect for distribution at Mass, parish events, or as a thoughtful gift for RCIA students, confirmaed individuals, or graduates.

How to Pray the Rosary Pamphlet (10 Pack)


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