In our Catholic tradition, purple is the color of the seasons of penance and preparation: Advent and Lent. It is also used on other days throughout the year that carry the notion of preparation, such as Ember Days and the vigils of important feast days. Priests wear a purple stole in the confessional to symbolize the penitential nature of the sacrament.
But why purple, of all colors?
To find the answer, we must go back to the story of the Passion found in the Gospels. When Jesus came before Pilate, the Roman governor scourged Him, though he found no crime in Him. After this, Pilate’s soldiers mocked Our Lord’s Kingship, arraying Him in a purple robe and a crown of thorns:
“Then Pilate took Jesus and scourged him. And the soldiers plaited a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and arrayed him in a purple robe; they came up to him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” and struck him with their hands.” -John 19:1-3
Purple is the color of royalty, which is why the soldiers used it to mock Christ’s Kingship. Little did they know that they mocked no earthly criminal, indeed no earthly king, but the King of heaven and earth! And Jesus Himself bore it all with majestic grace and divine mercy towards His enemies.
In order to properly honor Christ’s divine Kingship and remember the terrible humiliations He endured for our sake, our altars, vestments, candles, and other sacramental items are bedecked in purple during Lent and other penitential occasions.
So, this coming Lent, when you see the color purple begin to color your church, remember the sufferings of our divine King and honor Him with your love, adoration, sacrifices, and prayers.
Lent is less than a month away! Are you prepared? Order your Lenten devotional today to ensure that you are ready when Ash Wednesday arrives. We recommend Making a Holy Lent – 40 Meditations to Prepare You For The Church’s Holiest Season. With 40 insightful but brief insights, this little book packs a big punch and is perfect for the busy Catholic looking to make the most of this season. Order your copy today from The Catholic Company!