On the summit of the highest peak in Jerusalem stood a strong fortress called the Tower of David. King David was one of the greatest kings of the Old Testament, a prefigurement of Christ, and His ancestor according to His earthly lineage.
Such a mighty tower was essential to the defense of the city. From its great height, it had a clear view of any potential threats and could issue warnings against any gathering armies. Moreover, its towering strength projected power for miles so that all enemies of Jerusalem would recognize the holy city’s immense power.
It is with honor, then, that we often refer to Our Blessed Mother as the Tower of David. Like the formidable tower of old Jerusalem, Our Lady stands strong for us, always watching for threats from her great heights in heaven, the new Jerusalem, the city of David’s divine Heir—Christ.
The Virgin in Prayer, by Sassoferrato
At the sight of Our Blessed Mother in glory, Queen of Heaven and beloved Mother of Our Lord, our enemies flee, knowing that we are well protected under her loving mantle. She is our first line of defense against the attacks of the devil, a mighty tower protecting her children from sin and temptation.
Just as Our Lady stands as a defensive tower for us, she has also armed us with a powerful weapon against our enemies: the Most Holy Rosary. Champions of the Rosary, the fascinating book by bestselling author Fr. Donald Calloway, tells the incredible history of this powerful weapon and its champions. This book is the perfect way to deepen your devotion to our glorious Queen and her Rosary! Get your copy today at The Catholic Company!
Our Lady, Tower of David, pray for us!