One thing is clear: sacramentals are not objects of superstition for us Catholics. We know that they are a God-given channel of grace for us, but are not necessary for our salvation.
As the Catholic Encyclopedia says,
The sacramentals do not produce sanctifying grace ex opere operato, by virtue of the rite or substance employed, and this constitutes their essential difference from the Sacraments.
That is, the Sacraments are necessary for our salvation and sanctification, but sacramentals do not hold such power.
So—why sacramentals?
The Catholic Company’s Our Lady Undoer of Knots Rosary is an example of a sacramental
The Church gives a few reasons, all simple yet solid:
- First, sacramentals “prepare men to receive the fruit of the Sacraments” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1677). Sacramentals point to the Sacraments and the graces they offer, nudging us to prepare ourselves for those graces with reverence and devotion.
- Sacramentals sanctify “certain ministries of the Church, certain states of life, a great variety of circumstances in Christian life, and the use of many things helpful to man.” (CCC 1668) The sacramental always includes a prayer and an external sign, such as holy water or the sign of the cross. They tell us that this particular circumstance or ministry is set apart from the ordinary.
- Sacramentals, properly understood and used, distinguish the Catholic from fallen-away denominations. They serve as reminders of the fullness of the Faith, “enhancing the dignity of the Holy Sacrifice and arousing the piety of the faithful.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia)
Sacramentals play a big role in the Church’s devotional life—but don’t rely just on our word! You can find out more by delving into our bestseller Catholic Traditions and Treasures. This fascinating encyclopedia explains all you ever wondered about some of the Church’s most famous sacramentals and traditions, as well as the more obscure ones. Captivating and beautifully illustrated! Order your copy at The Catholic Company today!