Wealthy and powerful, Bernard of Quintavelle was among the most important men in Assisi. He lived and went about business like any other nobleman, until Assisi rippled with the news that Francis, one of his peers, had renounced family and fortune for God.
This news deeply affected Bernard, who had known Francis before this change. At first he found it difficult to believe. However, as he watched Francis’s great humility in the face of rough treatment from family and friends, he became convinced that this young man walked in the grace of God.
He invited Francis to dine and spend the night at his fine house. Francis did this, eating Bernard’s food and lying on the soft bed prepared for him in order to appear ordinary.
Finally, Bernard pretended to fall asleep. Francis, unaware that his companion was watching him closely, quickly got out of bed and fell to his knees. He remained in intense prayer through the whole night. In the morning, Bernard told Francis that he wished to follow him.
In order to discern God’s will for Bernard, the two men went to Mass. They then asked the priest to open the Scriptures three times and read what his eyes fell upon. Each time, the book opened to passages in which Christ exhorts his followers to leave everything and follow Him.
Bernard quickly disposed of his great wealth and began a life of preaching, prayer, and penance. He often undertook difficult journeys or tasks—such as preaching to the nobility in Italy’s great cities—and grew so great in holiness that Francis said he was worthy of all reverence.
Just before Francis’s death in 1226, he called Bernard to him and placed the Order in the hands of “his firstborn son.” Bernard led the band of friars until his own death in 1241.
Like Bernard, you also can invite St. Francis into your home! This Prayer of St. Francis Tile brings a charming touch of Franciscan spirituality into any room. Featuring the beautiful prayer of St. Francis, this tile will turn any space into a place of prayer! Available today form The Catholic Company!