No one goes for a nice walk in the rain, especially during a severe storm…right?
Well, the torrential day of May 24th, 1875, saw not only one person strolling about in bad weather, but a whole procession of people.
The procession had been scheduled long before the weather report proved to be wrong; the day, in fact, had been set aside to dedicate the new shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio.
Construction on the shrine had begun around 1869 under the supervision of Fr. Joseph Gloden from Luxembourg. He cherished a special devotion to Our Lady of Consolation, and kept a beautiful statue of her that had been carved in his native country. During the shrine’s construction, the statue was displayed in a neighboring church seven miles away.
The statue of Our Lady of Consolation (photo: Nheyob/CC BY-SA 3.0)
At last the new shrine was finished. On dedication day, Fr. Gloden’s statue of Our Lady was placed on a bier and taken to the head of the procession accompanying the statue to its new residence.
Rain poured down like a flood. There was no sign of a letup, yet the dedication must take place! Finally, the procession moved forward into the storm.
Everyone there became filled with awe as mile after mile dropped behind them and they approached the new shrine. Our Lady’s intercession was clearly with them, for although the rain could be seen pouring down on all sides, the whole procession was untouched.
They entered the church and installed the statue. Not a drop of water could be seen on the statue or the congregation. This marked the first of many miracles wrought at the shrine through Our Lady’s intercession.
Our Lady’s presence is strong throughout North America. In every state, many shrines—some famous, some little-known—have been dedicated to her various titles. You might be surprised how many there are! Marion Amberg, acclaimed author of the Catholic travel guide Monuments, Marvels, and Miracles, takes you to over fifty Marian shrines in Mary’s Miracles: A Traveler’s Guide to Catholic America. Telling the riveting and inspiring tales of each site, this book reveals Our Lady’s powerful actions right here in the States. Available today at The Catholic Company!