Damasus was of Spanish descent, but he was born in Rome around 304 A.D. History is nearly silent on him until he was elected pope in 366. Some of the cardinals, however, did not accept Damasus’s election and set up an antipope, Ursinus.
Thanks to the support of more than one Roman emperor, the split didn’t last long or deeply affect the workings of the Church. The dissenting group, however, continued to persecute Damasus for years.
Throughout the turbulence, Damasus forged ahead as a strong and faithful Vicar. He guided the Church through a rocky time when various heresies—most notably the Arian heresy—threatened to lead countless souls astray.
He persuaded St. Jerome—who was his confidential secretary at the time—to begin his great work of revising the Latin translation of Scripture.
In 382, just two years before his death, Damasus presided over the Synod of Rome. This synod’s purpose was to discern which writings were divinely inspired and belonged in the Bible. It produced The Decree of the Council of Rome on the Canon of Scripture, listing the 73 books which make up Scripture. For a long time, this Decree was known as the Damasine List.
The Damasine List was reaffirmed in several subsequent councils, the latest affirmation occurring at the Council of Trent in 1546.
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