In 370, St. Basil the Great was appointed bishop of Caesarea. Catholics were thrilled—Arians were not. Among the less-than-delighted was Emperor Valens (the same one who exiled St. Athanasius the fifth and final time). Valens was very annoyed.
Catholics were making enough noise in his chunk of the empire. Arguments between those who proclaimed the Arian belief and those who said it was heretical were continually disturbing his peace. So, to make things simple, he decided to take matters into his own hands and command everyone to adhere to Arianism.
Many—if not most—obeyed out of fear of the emperor (and his threats). Out in Caesarea, however, Valens’s command was ignored.
One day, as he traveled through Cappadocia, he decided to stop by Caesarea and personally exile the bishop. They met face to face—the emperor dressed in his finest traveling gear, impressive in furs and precious metals; the bishop in simple monastic garb, bearded and bent.
Basil had better become Arian, Valens demanded. If not, these were his options: confiscation of his property, exile, torture, perhaps death.
The bishop was unimpressed. Confiscation? He had little to lose in worldly goods; a few books, perhaps. Exile? The Church was his only home. Torture, now—he was so weak, it would simply kill him. And as for death—he welcomed it, as it would bring him to Christ.
Valens, in all his imperial glory, was speechless. He returned home to his palace, and no one mentioned exiling Basil again.
St. Basil the Great triumphed over fear because he kept his eyes on Christ and His Blessed Mother. You can do the same with the help of this compact Virgin of Kazan & Christ Pantocrator Diptych. Portrayed in rich hues and gold accents, these icons of Jesus and Mary can fill that small nook in your prayer space or fold up and go with you on your travels. Available today at The Catholic Company!