In the midst of heavy persecution, early Christians risked death to paint the earliest known image of Our Lady.
High on the walls of the Priscilla Catacombs in Rome, a beautiful yet faded fresco depicts the Virgin Mary tenderly nursing the Child Jesus. In contrast to the harsh realities of their persecution, the compassionate gaze of Our Lady, filled with maternal love, offered hope and solace to those enduring such trials. It is no wonder these members of the early Church risked so much to paint our comforting Blessed Mother.
Even the symbolism within this depiction of Our Lady brought peace to her afflicted viewers. She is portrayed in clothes that would have been familiar to the persecuted Romans, making her an even more maternal figure. She wears a woolen garment typical of Roman matrons and a short veil worn by dedicated virgins.
Full title: The Virgin in Prayer
Artist: Sassoferrato
Date made: 1640-50
Copyright © The National Gallery, London
Beside her stands a man in a heavy cloak, pointing towards the Star of Bethlehem. Some scholars argue that this is the prophet Isaiah, who foretold: “The Lord Himself shall give you a sign. Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel.” However, this is not entirely agreed upon and other scholars suggest the man is the prophet Balaam, who prophesied: “A star shall come forth out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel.”
The figures are shaded by a tree branch that stretches out above them, likely alluding to the Old Testament prophecy: “There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.”
How beautiful it is that two millennia of Christians have found comfort in the image of our loving Blessed Mother! Just as the early Christians looked upon Our Lady hidden in the catacombs, your family can also find profound comfort by looking upon this beautiful Titles of Our Lady Art Plaque! The plaque is a special reminder of the many forms Mary has taken as our Mother, who is always reaching out to her earthly children and guiding them to her Son. Order yours today from The Catholic Company!