Our Lady was silent.
Though she did not utter a word, Our Lady’s presence brought peace, strength, and comfort—and conveyed a message as relevant today as it was 140 years ago.
It was August 21st, 1879, and the sun was about to set over the city of Knock in County Mayo, Ireland, when the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared.
She was beautiful, wearing a dazzling white cloak and a spectacular crown. Her demeanor was perfectly serene, with her hands and head held in reverent prayer. Although silent, Our Lady did not appear alone. She was accompanied by St. Joseph on her right and St. John the Evangelist on her left.
Sanctuary of Our Lady of Knock (photo credit: Paul Cowan, CC-BY-SA 2.0)
Alongside these three heavenly figures was a Eucharistic Lamb, centered in front of a cross, presenting Himself upon an altar and surrounded by a cohort of angels. This miraculous image remained for hours, shining brightly and remaining dry, despite the fading evening light and heavy summer rainfall.
While Our Lady has appeared several times throughout history, bringing guidance and healing, at Knock her appearance was distinctive. It was the only time Our Lady has appeared alongside the Eucharistic Lamb. Without speaking a word, Our Lady continues to guide her children, leading us to her Son’s presence in the Eucharist.
As she did at Knock, Our Lady intercedes for us today, illuminating the darkness and shielding us from life’s rain. This radiant white and gold Our Lady of Knock Statue is the perfect reminder of both Our Lady’s presence in our lives and her Queenship in heaven. This beautiful statue is perfect for anyone with Irish heritage or anyone devoted to Our Lady. Get yours today at The Catholic Company!