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What is the difference between demons and ghosts?

And why is it important to distinguish them?

Ghosts and demons, oh my!

Around this time of year, all things supernatural tend to be treated the same way: just another spooky thing for Halloween fun.

However, contrary to popular belief, not everything supernatural is just a ruse. Ghosts and demons are real, and they all should be taken with spiritual seriousness!

Demons are fallen angels who rebelled against God. That’s what demons are: corrupt angels. They are not mere human concepts or symbols of evil. They are real, fallen angelic persons.

The leader of these evil spirits is known by various names, although “the devil” and “Satan” are the most common.

The demons hate mankind in a way that surpasses our comprehension. We are created in the image of God, and they hate God; we are beneath them by nature, and yet God has made us His children and heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The demons want our souls in hell. They want us to be as miserable as they are. And they loathe creation, for it is good, and it is God’s.
So, should we be afraid of demons? No. We should, however, be aware of them and their power.

Now that we understand what demons are, we can say for certain that demons are not ghosts.

Ghosts, properly understood, are disembodied souls, and disembodied souls belong to human beings who have died.

But who are these souls, and can they really appear to the living?

Often, these souls are residents of purgatory, where they are undergoing a period of purification before entering heaven. And yes, these souls are occasionally permitted to return to earth to beg for prayers.

But sometimes these are the souls of the damned who also are occasionally permitted to visit the living to warn them of the fate that awaits them if they do not amend their ways.

However, demons are capable of pretending to be departed souls; so not all “ghosts” are really human souls.

And remember: not every claim of ghostly activity is genuine.

Most paranormal reports can be attributed to natural causes.

The best approach to all supernatural activity is prayer: prayer to defend yourself spiritually against demons and prayer for all the poor souls suffering in purgatory!

Learn more about the supernatural and our battle with evil in Monsignor Stephen Rossetti’s book Diary of an American Exorcist. In this powerful book, Msgr. Rossetti gives an inside look at the intense experiences of an exorcist without hype or varnish. Through his own battles with the devil, he teaches you about what possession is (and is not), common tactics of the devil, and the incredible healing power of Christ. Order your copy today from The Catholic Company!

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