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What is a Life Rosary?

There is a powerful prayer that saves lives…

As we celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the 2022 landmark decision overturning Roe v. Wade, we give thanks to God for the progress the pro-life movement has made in the United States.

There is still so much work to be done. However, one of the most effective things you can do is also one of the easiest: praying the Rosary.

Think of the power of the Rosary for the pro-life movement: each Hail Mary is a call to the Virgin Mary, who is revered as the mother of all humanity. This invocation seeks her intercession for the protection of unborn children and the conversion of hearts and minds towards a culture that respects life from conception to natural death.

The Rosary also provides a unifying prayer for the pro-life community. At pro-life gatherings such as the March for Life and 40 Days for Life campaigns, the Rosary is often a central component. These communal prayers create a beautiful sense of solidarity and shared purpose among participants.

Even in private prayer, the Rosary is a powerful tool for change and unity. A particularly impactful method of praying it for the pro-life cause is the Life Rosary. This simply involves adding brief meditations before each Mystery that help direct your prayer to the intention of increasing respect for innocent human life in our society.

If you would like to begin praying the Life Rosary, you can visit the USCCB’s site for a guide. On Tuesdays, the Church traditionally prays the Sorrowful Mysteries. Here is a link to the USCCB’s pro-life meditations for the Sorrowful Mysteries.

If you are looking for a complete guide to praying the Life Rosary, look no further than The Life Rosary by Mary Sambo! This powerful guide compiles meditations, verses from Scripture, and other pro-life prayers into one helpful pro-life prayer manual. Perfect for individual prayer or for use with your pro-life group. Order your copy today and join the fight against abortion!

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