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What blessed item is known as “St. John’s Love”?

Its origin is found in a famous story about the beloved disciple.

A well-known story about St. John the Evangelist relates how someone tried to kill him by poisoning a goblet of wine from which he was to drink. The Apostle blessed the wine and the poison slithered out in the form of a snake.

Hence, a common parish tradition on St. John’s feast day (that’s today, December 27th) is the blessing of wine. The blessed wine is known as “St. John’s Love” due to the great love that St. John had for Our Lord.

We see this love in St. John’s Gospel, where he often speaks of God’s love. John 3:16 reads: “For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son, that whoever believes in Him might have eternal life.”

Again, in John’s recounting of the Last Supper, he says: “…having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them unto the end.”

St. John himself was the only Apostle to stay with Our Lord throughout His entire Passion and death.

“St. John’s Love” is traditionally shared by families on today’s feast and on days of festivity or need throughout the year. They may add a bit to all the wine in the family wine cellar. Newly-married couples traditionally have a sip after the wedding Mass, and the sick and dying partake as well.

You can read more about “St. John’s Love” and a traditional recipe for preparing it in Drinking with the Saints: The Sinner’s Guide to a Holy Happy Hour. One part bartender’s guide and one part spiritual manual, this delightful book takes you through the Church calendar with fun facts and a delicious drink recipe in honor of each saint. Order yours today from The Catholic Company!

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