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This saint had 3 saintly grandchildren

St. Macrina the Elder left a saintly family legacy.

Grandmothers can fly under the radar, but it’s about time we recognized a very special grandmother…

Meet St. Macrina the Elder, a 4th-century grandmother who practically wrote the manual on shaping a faithful and loving family.

Macrina wasn’t just any grandmother. She was the powerhouse behind not one, not two, but three saintly grandkids—Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, and Macrina the Younger.

She didn’t come by all those grandmothering skills from an easy life. She lived through some of the toughest times of the early Church. She and her husband fled persecution during Emperor Diocletian’s reign, hiding in the forests of Pontus in order to keep practicing their faith.

What really makes Macrina so relatable, though, is her role as the glue of her family. Like so many other grandmothers, she planted seeds of faith in the hearts of her grandchildren that would grow and bear fruit for generations.

In Macrina’s case, this fruit was destined to benefit the entire Church. You see, in addition to her nurturing love, Macrina had an impressive understanding of theology that she worked to inspire in her family. It’s said she passed on the teachings of St. Gregory Thaumaturgus to her children and grandchildren, inspiring their deep theological work. Her influence turned her family into a dynasty of holiness.

Think about it: how many grandmothers today quietly shape the future by babysitting, sharing life lessons, and teaching their grandkids prayers? Macrina was doing all of that centuries ago, showing us that grandmothers don’t need to be flashy to leave a legacy—they just need to be steadfast in their faith and love.

So, if you’re a grandmother—or if you love one—consider calling on St. Macrina. She’s a reminder that the small, faithful things grandmothers do every day can ripple through history, just like her family’s legacy has. Plus, who wouldn’t want a saint in their corner who knows a thing or two about tough times and teaching the next generation to shine?

Honor the mothers and grandmothers in your life with this charming Heart of a Mother Quote Block. Featuring a lovely quote on motherhood by St. Thérèse—“The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother”—it’s a perfect tribute to a mother, grandmother, or godmother. Available today from The Catholic Company!

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