Catholic Company® Good Catholic™ Catholic Coffee™™ Morning Offering™

The time Mary’s father was cast out from the temple…

The story of Sts. Joachim and Anne reminds us that nothing is impossible with God.

St. Joachim was cast out from the temple and sent away in shame.

Despite their deep piety and devotion, Sts. Joachim and Anne were looked down upon by their fellow Jews.

They did not cause scandal. They did not steal or cause harm. This holy couple was shamed for their inability to bear children, a sorrow that already hung heavily upon their hearts.

In their time, infertility was often seen as a sign of divine displeasure, and it caused them deep sorrow.

One story told of their life relates that Joachim went to the Temple to offer his sacrifices one day, but he was turned away by the high priest, who scorned him for his childlessness. Heartbroken, Joachim retreated to the desert, dedicating himself to prayer and fasting. He pleaded with God to bless them with a child. Meanwhile, A

nne remained at home, also praying fervently for the same blessing.

Their prayers were answered in a miraculous way.

According to tradition, Joachim and Anne both received a vision from an angel who announced they would have a child. Anne conceived shortly thereafter.

Their joy was immeasurable when Anne gave birth to a daughter they named Mary. This girl, born to parents who were ridiculed and shamed for their pain, would bear the Savior of the world.

Sts. Joachim and Anne are the patron saints of parents, grandparents, and married couples, especially those praying for a child. They are powerful intercessors—after all, they raised Our Lady, our greatest intercessor!

St. Anne is an especially powerful patroness for mothers and those struggling with infertility. Give mothers, and those desirous of motherhood, a powerful gift of prayer with this beautiful St. Anne Mother’s Rosary Bracelet. Available today from The Catholic Company!

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