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The fascinating legend of the Claddagh Ring

What is the meaning behind the hands, heart, and crown in this famous Irish symbol?

Have you ever seen a piece of jewelry with two hands grasping a heart and wondered what it was?

You were probably looking at a Claddagh! To understand the Claddagh more, you’ll have to journey to the 17th century, to a small fishing village on the rugged coast of western Ireland. Claddagh, a quaint fishing village in Galway, is the birthplace of this distinctive piece of jewelry.

One legend says that there once was a goldsmith named Richard Joyce who lived in Claddagh. Richard was in love with a lovely girl from the village and planned to marry her.

But before he could act on his love, Richard was captured by pirates and sold into slavery. While enslaved, he did not despair, but prayed that God would unite him to his love. He spent the miserable weeks crafting a ring for his beloved back in Claddagh.

His return to Claddagh is steeped in mystery, but it is said that Richard Joyce eventually made his way back to the quaint fishing town and to his true love. Upon his return and subsequent marriage, he presented the ring to his bride, a symbol of his enduring love and faithfulness.

The ring’s design features two hands clasping a heart, topped with a crown.

Although designed with earthly love and friendship in mind, this ring, which is tied to Irish Catholic tradition, has beautiful Catholic imagery!

The Hands represent the gentle humanness revealed in true friendship. These tender hands reach out towards each other, each holding the heart out to the other as an offering and revealing the support and trust that one person offers another.

The Heart signifies love. It’s the center of the ring, as it is the center of the ring’s message. It embodies the true, self-giving love that we are called to show in our own friendships, a love reflecting the true love of the Father.

The Crown stands for loyalty and fidelity. It is a reminder of the commitment and honor that should be present in love and friendship.
Because of Ireland’s Catholic roots, the Claddagh ring has always been beloved in Catholic communities. However, the Claddagh ring should have deeper significance for Catholics, as it mirrors the virtues taught by the Church: love, loyalty, and faithfulness. The image of the heart under the crown reflects the love Christ has for us and our call to embody that love in our own lives. The hands holding the heart are reminiscent of the support and compassion that Christ offers humanity.

Bring home this beautiful tradition with a Claddagh ring of your own! Our personal favorite is this stunning Silver Connemara Claddagh Weave Ring. Its beautiful green Connemara marble centerpiece is a gorgeous way to bring a piece of the Emerald Isle with you always! Available today from The Catholic Company!

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