Thunder vibrated in the air. Rain poured from black clouds, whipping the water into frenzied waves.
The two men in the tiny boat wore grim expressions. The little slave boy with them crouched in the hull, holding on tight, his eyes creased shut.
Waves rushed towards the little boat. The man at the rudder threw the tiller over, trying to bring the bow towards the oncoming wave. Too late.
Water filled the boat, cascading over the slave boy’s shoulders.
Suddenly, the boy leaped up, staring at the gray, rocking, roaring world. He fumbled at his shirt’s throat and pulled out a little medal hanging on a chain about his neck. The medal was engraved with an image of the Blessed Mother.
“Pray!” cried the boy, kneeling in the water-filled hull; the men followed his example. They cried out, “Blessed Virgin, save us!”
Suddenly, all was silent.
The boat rocked gently as the three occupants opened their eyes and looked about them. Sea and sky were as calmly blue as they had been a few hours before, when the men had decided it was a good time to look for salt in the bay.
Where was the storm?
Then they spied a little white object bobbing toward them on the rolling swells. Was it a bird? No, not a bird.
The object came closer and they fished it out of the water. It was a statue of a woman with a child on one arm and a cross in her hand. The statue was clothed in white robes and fastened to a board bearing the inscription, “I am the Virgin of Charity.” The statue was completely dry.
Since that awe-filled day on 17th-century Cuban waters, Our Lady of Charity has been lovingly venerated by Cuba in the city of El Cobre. Devotion to her has spread to surrounding coasts such as Portugal and the United States.
This is just one instance of the countless times Our Lady has interceded for us, her children. She has done so much for us and received such veneration in return that it took the Compendium of Marian Devotions to recount all of her titles, miracles, dogmas, and the origins of the myriad devotions to her. Compiled in an easy-to-read style, this fascinating book contains all you want to learn about our Blessed Mother. Pick up your copy today!