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Tag Archive for Martyrs

Who was the heroic Bl. Jerzy Popiełuszko?

Who was the heroic Bl. Jerzy Popiełuszko?

Who was the real St. Valentine?

Who was the real St. Valentine?

What is true forgiveness?

What is true forgiveness?

How was St. Sebastian martyred? (Trick question.)

How was St. Sebastian martyred? (Trick question.)

Discover one of Thérèse of Lisieux’s favorite saints…

Discover one of Thérèse of Lisieux’s favorite saints…

Which saint gave a homily AFTER he was beheaded?

Which saint gave a homily AFTER he was beheaded?

Who was the courageous Fr. John Gerard?

Who was the courageous Fr. John Gerard?

St. Thérèse’s adventure at the Colosseum…

St. Thérèse’s adventure at the Colosseum…

The real Wonder Woman…

The real Wonder Woman…

What was the “Popish Plot”?

What was the “Popish Plot”?