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Husbands, fathers, saints…

As we approach Father’s Day, let’s meet some saintly dads!

When we look at the lives of canonized fathers, we see that they all display fortitude in principles, fervor in faith, reliance on God’s strength, and devotion to their family’s spiritual growth. Today, let’s focus on three fathers:

Bl. Luigi Beltrame Quattrocchi: Born 1880, died 1951. He was brought up by his uncle and aunt, as they were childless.

Luigi’s house was always open to beggars and, during the World Wars, to refugees. He and his wife consecrated their family to the Sacred Heart and prayed the Rosary daily with their four children. Additionally, they kept a family Holy Hour on First Fridays, attended retreats, and continually studied their Faith.

Inspired by this example, three of Luigi’s children entered religious life; the remaining daughter became a consecrated virgin.

St. Thomas More: Born 1478, died 1535. His last words, “I die the king’s good servant, and God’s first” summarize his whole life.

Initially attracted to religious life, Thomas instead married and had four children. He imparted to his children the rich classical education he himself had received and passed on to them his fervent love of God. Before his contrived execution for treason, Thomas ensured—from his prison cell—that all his family could safely escape the country.

St. Stephen I of Hungary: Born 975, died 1038. A child-convert from paganism, he is known as the first king of Hungary.

As chief of the Magyars, his objective was to weld the migratory group into a solid nation. He accomplished this through various measures, primarily through his support and promotion of the Catholic Faith. He was crowned king in 1001. He instilled his own deep faith in his son, urging him to remain a devout Catholic king above all else and to protect the growth of the young Church in Hungary. This son is also a saint.

Show your dad how much he means to you with our Heart of a Father Tumbled Stone Tile. Bold, masculine artwork and an inspiring quote embellish this rugged stone piece, which can be used for decor or as a handy coaster. Every time he sees it, Dad will remember that his love and protection are seen and treasured. Get your tile today from The Catholic Company!

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