Did you know that it’s possible to “be a part” of your favorite religious order?
A “third order” is a group of laymen living in the secular world as usual according to their vocation (which is usually marriage), but who are spiritually bound to and guided by a specific religious order. The order is called “third” because there are two orders before it: the first order, which refers to monks and friars; and the second order, which refers to nuns. Such men and women are called “tertiaries,” a word derived from the Latin for “three.” The origins of the third orders are varied, but stretch back to the 12th century.
The first tale of origin, from the 12th century, tells how a prince—Theobald of Champagne—went to St. Norbert and asked for entrance into Norbert’s order, the Canons Regular of Prémontré. St. Norbert prayed about this request for a little while. Finally, he came back to Theobald and said,
“You will not be a religious; you will bear the yoke of the Lord as you have done till this day, and you will add to it that of wedlock. May God preserve us from opposing the designs of His Providence in your behalf.”
Theobald immediately submitted to God’s will, but added that he would only marry the woman St. Norbert chose for him. Then, St. Norbert gave Theobald some rules for his conduct and spiritual life, and bestowed upon him the Order’s white scapular.
St. Norbert, wearing the white habit of his order. Third Order Norbertines wear a smaller white scapular.
Later, more third orders were brought about by the laity in the 13th century. It was a difficult time for the Church, for indolence had spread among the clergy; but the laity began a reform through their own pious desires. They sought poverty and asceticism, and began to preach on Catholic morality.
The pope stepped in to help regulate this new movement in the laity. He entrusted them to the spiritual care of Franciscans and Dominicans—the preaching orders. These laity made promises to adhere to the spiritual charism of one of these orders; they then prayed a daily set of prayers and performed the order’s charitable works.
The Franciscan and Dominican third orders were so spiritually beneficial and popular that other religious orders were authorized to create a third order of their own. Today, nearly every religious order has its own lay counterpart.
Whether you’re a tertiary or not, you can always invoke the aid of St. Benedict—founder of one of the greatest religious orders—when you pray with our Moonstone and Copper St. Benedict Rosary Bracelet. Warm-toned and comforting to the touch, this rosary bracelet will remind you of the protective mantle of the Blessed Mother and inspire you to pray. Available only at The Catholic Company!