
40 Days of Lent Family Card Pack

Enhance your Lenten journey with the "40 Days of Lent Family Card Pack." This unique set includes 40 cards for adults and 40 for kids, featuring daily quotes and activities to promote growth, creativity, and virtue. Designed exclusively for The Catholic Company, these reusable cards offer meaningful Lenten lessons for the whole family. Comes with separate storage boxes for easy organization.

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  • Lenten Prayer Card Family Pack
  • Adult set: features 40 laminated cards with a powerful Catholic quote for each day of Lent
  • Kid set: features 40 laminated cards with an activity or small sacrifice for each day of Lent
  • Re-purpose and re-use these cards throughout the year
  • Design exclusive to The Catholic Company

This special set pairs the "40 Days of Lent Prayer Card Set" with the "40 Days for Kids Card Set" to provide you and your child with the tools for a fruitful Lent.

You'll be given a purposeful quote to get something new out of every day of Lent, while your children's creativity will be challenged and inspired by activities that will teach them meaningful Lenten lessons.

Promoting generosity, selflessness, and real love, this set will cultivate virtue and bring growth to you and your family this Lent!

© Copyright 2018 Trinity Road LLC/The Catholic Company  

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day lent, lent card, prayer card, set feature, feature laminated, laminated card, kid set, card set, set feature laminated, feature laminated card, set feature laminated card, lent family, family card, card pack, pack lenten
Encouragement & Healing
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Enhance your Lenten journey with the "40 Days of Lent Family Card Pack." This unique set includes 40 cards for adults and 40 for kids, featuring daily quotes and activities to promote growth, creativity, and virtue. Designed exclusively for The Catho
lic Company, these reusable cards offer meaningful Lenten lessons for the whole family. Comes with separate storage boxes for easy organization.

40 Days of Lent Family Card Pack


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