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Father Marquette and the Great Rivers

"Father Marquette and the Great Rivers," part of Ignatius Press’s Vision series, captivates readers aged 9-15 with the courageous journey of Father Marquette. This gripping tale follows his mission alongside Louis Joliet to explore the Mississippi, facing immense dangers to bring Christianity and new lands to France. Featuring illustrations and cover art by Chris Pelicano, this 139-page paperback by August Derleth is a thrilling historical adventure.
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  • From the popular Ignatius Press Vision series
  • Tells the thrilling story of one of America's greatest missionaries from Canada
  • Fr. Marquette hoped to obtain new lands for France and new souls for Jesus Christ

This Vision book for youth 9 - 15 years old tells the thrilling story of one of America's greatest missionaries who came down from Canada with explorer Louis Joliet to explore the mighty Mississippi River, the "great river" bordered by Indian tribes who killed white men on sight.

Of the few who had dared explore this immense waterway, none had lived to return and report where it emptied. If he could travel to the mouth of the "great river", Fr. Marquette hoped to obtain new lands for France and new souls for Jesus Christ. He braved the dangers of tomahawks and tortures to bring the Word of God to the Indians of the New World. Rapids, floods, Indian superstitions, tribal warfare - these are only a few of the obstacles Father Marquette and Louis Jolliet encountered in trying to meet their challenge. Illustrated.

Cover art by Chris Pelicano

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Saints & Blesseds
Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
Ignatius Press
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Books & Accessories
great river, father marquette, tell thrilling, thrilling story, story one, one america, america greatest, greatest missionary, marquette hoped, hoped obtain, obtain new, new land, land france, france new, new soul
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"Father Marquette and the Great Rivers," part of Ignatius Press’s Vision series, captivates readers aged 9-15 with the courageous journey of Father Marquette. This gripping tale follows his mission alongside Louis Joliet to explore the Mississippi, f
acing immense dangers to bring Christianity and new lands to France. Featuring illustrations and cover art by Chris Pelicano, this 139-page paperback by August Derleth is a thrilling historical adventure.

Father Marquette and the Great Rivers


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